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Believe it or not, there are several farms within a mile or two of my house in NW New Jersey! I love autumn when the fields have been cut and the hay is rolled into those big bales. Our neighbor uses a fork lift to move a bale into the feeding area, and then the cows show their excitement at the smell of just-delivered hay. Love your photos of all the animals involved, especially Box Car Betty who is always my favorite!

Oh my, those are cute pictures! I love your little narratives to go along with the photos. :) The round bales are cool--so much more fun than the rectangular ones. How does Alan roll them out? Does he use the tractor and push them with the bucket?

Well... I know nothing about hay or farms cause I am a city girl but I love, love, love reading your blog about your farm (and your stamping, too) Makes me want to go to the country!! Thanks, Anna.

Ah, yeah, there's always work to do on a functioning farm. There's just something about working on a farm that seems to be right with the world. Hay or feed delivery day always was a busy day. Of course hay was delivered in 60 to 70 pound rectangle bales in my day and had to be hefted into the top of the barn. We ususally grew our own hay, so we also got the joy of baling it up and hauling it in from the field. I kind of miss those hot sweaty days of physical ativities.

Have a great day on the farm.

I'm not sure about the Dumbo thing, after all he is line bred, male,and born in TEXAS. However, that name just seems wrong,being generally unflattering to cattle in general. I remember some cattle in my youth I was quite fond of. I still vote for Dubya. That way all steers in the world still have their dignity. And "W" well he's still a Texan.....unless he was adopted in Oklahoma...Love, Dad

This reminds me of a sign I saw on the back road between Spokane and Fairchild: "Hey! For Sale!" Cool tool Alan uses to move the bales around. Try doing with just a long chain and a jeep!

YEAH Hay !!! That shipment should last a while. I think Curly has the right idea, a nap in the sunshine. Ahhhh. Have a relaxing Sunday, hugs....


Fun stuff! Nothing beats the smell of new hay! Mmmmmmm.....

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