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These sound delicious - for the dogs that is - but I would omit the garlic powder. Garlic is NOT good for dogs at all. It causes all kinds of problems including blindness. :(

I made a recipe like this a couple years ago and I'm sure the dogs still remember. They look more excited every time they see me with a cellophane bag ;) BTW, I added bacon fat to mine as part of the oil - maybe that's what did it for them. Here in Montreal, we - of course!- use the Mtl steak spice brand a lot... no wonder why!
I miss Texas everyday and love visiting with you to get my fix. Thanks!

Shouldn't those be cat shaped...not dog shaped? HeeHee! Very cute, Anna!

Your dog treats sound and look Great.
TFS can't wait to give them a try : )
I really enjoy your blog !!

Happy Birthday to Daisy! She is very lucky to have found you two. Thanks for the recipe. I can't wait to try it for my doggie friends!

I made dog treats once, a long time ago, but it wasn't as nice a recipe as these. This sounds healthier. I will have to make these for my fur-babies. I have a dog bone shaped cutter that will be just perfect for it (although I've been known to make dog bone shaped gingerbread cookies too). :D

What'a a rolling surface????? lol!!!!

Thanks a lot. We are living with cats, but some of our friends have dogs. So this will be a perfect X-mas present.

Gee, I'd like some fresh baked snacks for MY birthday too! Lucky dogs.

Oh, to live the good life as one of Anna's dogs. Miss Daisy and Farley have it good!

Happy Birthday Daisy! I love baking my doggies treats. I don't know how, but Jake and Gracie always know when doggie treats are in the oven. And they usually smell delicious!

I am so glad Daisy has a birthday close to my dog Schatzee it reminds me to pull out my recipe of Daisy's cookies and make her some for her bday and her friends too. Her bday is on Oct 5th. I am sure she will love the new recipe even more. Love Daisy and her yummy treats. Thanks so much, Happy Birthday Daisy!! Schatzee thanks you again this year.

Awww, your puppies must be SO happy!! I missed the Daisy post (just read it) and see that she is indeed blessed! Lovely dog - nice photo.


Lucky Dogs,that live with you !!! :) Hugs....

These look good enough for PEOPLE to eat!! Yum! Gizmo thanks you =)

Sounds good enough for a person to eat. I'm sure they will love them.

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