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Ahhhh, what an adorable (make that handsome) duck! Love, love, love your illustrations!

That image is beyond cute! I love it! And I hope your Dad has a most fabulous birthday!!! I wish you could be there to share the day with him. But at least you got to be there not very long ago!!! :D
Have a GREAT three day weekend...hurray for extra days off! Have fun doing all the things you have planned. I wish I could go back and be your age again! hehe

It's the day before the dreaded day! I have gotten some very nice "reminders" from some of you out there in the blogosphere. I am reminded also of a phrase from an old Sean Pen movie, at this age it's "dead man walking".......60 is not so bad until you remember what you thought about it at age 20! I'll wait for the final tally before I start sending out the explosives....yust kidding, Oh, I almost forgot....Loose lips sink ships..for you real oldies.

Your ducky in coveralls needs a topknot like Laffy! I wonder who's birthday is coming up? Hmmmmm.

Darling duck!

Hee-hee Can't wait to hear more about the BD! ;)Cute stamp. Have a FUN weekend. hugs...

Do you have a house full of balloons for tomorrow? Wouldn't that be something ... to open a door, only to find a room filled with balloons!
Your duck SO looks like a farmer ... he's adorable!

Oh, you sound like you will be so busy this weekend. So, on Laffy Taffy's behalf, I must remind you to PLEASE patch the swimming pool.

I'm always looking out for the critters !

Oh those birthday balloons are quite appropriate! I am waiting for Sunday and with baited breath.

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