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Super cute! Just saw the sets on the Whipper Snapper site and those halloween sets are adorable! Love your style.

So cute! Can't wait to get them tomorrow!

Adorable, Anna!

Oh so cute! That mummy chick is so fun!

Lost train of thought thinking about shaved chickens. Thanks, Mr. Wight.

Love this, Anna!

OMG, these are hilarious! I gotta tell ya', tho, I think the snippets of one I see beneath/behind your mummified chicken and owl is really gonna make me PIMP! Eep!

Do Roosters shave? If so you may have a "pard" for Tiny Tim or is this Tim hisself? An inquiring mind wants to know....fishing this weekend was pretty fair. The stamp is sure to be another smash hit......Love, Dad

Really cute!

What a sneak peek! These are soooooooo adorable!

I love your work and these are no different. Especially like the mummy chicken because you could also use it as a get well.

I love them!

They are sooooo darn cute! :)

Thanks to you, Anna, I am now having dreams about chickens losing their feathers and in the dreams I'm wondering, "Crud, I wonder if I can make a jacket for this chicken like Anna does?"

Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see the new sets!!! I love your work.

Just too cute!

Those images are soooo stinkin' cute! Who would think of dressing up a chicken, besides you, Anna?!!

These make me chuckle!!! So stinkin cute Anna!

Hee Hee, That Mummy Chicken just cracks me up. Love the Owl too and can't wait to see the sets.

OMG...I LOVE what I see!!!

Too darn cute--love the mummy chicken--looks
like he may be the favorite of the group--can't wait to see them all :)

adorable!! I LV Halloween..


EEK! Adorable!!!!

OMG, that mummy chicken cracks me up! And I love the way you colored him! :D
Can't wait to see your new sets...that will be so fun!

You sure are a tease ! Love those halloween funnies. :) Hugs...

aaaaack! A mummy chicken? LOVE it!!!

Your work is absolutely amazing. The images themselves are adorable, but your coloring technique is just beautiful! Do you do custom work, like caricatures for people?

Oh fabulous! Can't wait to see the full sets! :)

Those look fun!! Can't wait to buy them!

OMG! Loving the mummy-chick! Soooo cute! :) I always love your stuff, Anna!

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