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They are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!! The mother is beautiful and while kittens are ALWAYS cute, these are especially so. They are so lucky to have found themselves at your farm, where they'll get taken care of (in a responsible and loving way, not in a Mafia-type way)

I know it is not ideal to have kitties being born, but they are truly irresistible. Your pictures are fabulous!

So adorable! Haven't been able to get a new kitty since our "Rascal" passed away 3 years ago. Your pictures make me think, I might be getting close :)

Oh my gosh these kitties are just so cute. I just want to reach right through the computer screen and pet them. I'd love having the little blond one but alas TX is a bit to far away to acquire a new kitty.

What cute kitties. We had a neighborhood feral cat who had 2 litters in our garage. The 2d go around I was able to catch them & get them to the Humane Society. They are great - we trapped Mama & had her fixed so no more litters. Sadly, I haven't seen her for a while. You are a good critter lover!

Spec is a beautiful cat! Of course, what kitten isn't adorable? I am so glad that you and Alan are committed to getting them fixed and not letting the population of wild cats increase. There are so many homeless in the U.S. alone it breaks my heart. I really enjoyed these photos! Have a great day!

I absolutely love your blog and not just for the stamping, but for all the critter posts. I love the chickens, the cats, and all the others. Keep up the wonderful work!

So happy to hear that you catch and spay/nueter the farm cats! I wish everyone did too. Those kittens are the cutest! I'm a member of the Humane Society of the United States...a wonderful organization. It's not easy catching farel cats. I tried and tried to catch one that came around our condo when we lived in CA. I'd catch every pet cat in the neighborhood but the black Tom I wanted to have fixed. Funny, this cat would allow me to pet the top of his head but that was it.

Trip hazards on the porch! I love that and it's so true!
I adopted two kitten sisters from the shelter and then one day two very young females adopted us. We soon found out they were not getting well fed by us but were both pregnant! We went from two kittens to eight! We waited till the kittens were weaned to operate the mommas and it broke my hear to have to adopt them out. There's too many fast cars around even in our mountains to keep them as outside cats.

They are so sweet! Bless you for caring for them and have them fixed. It happened twice to us when somebody anonymous left at our doorstep a box with litter (both times 5 kittens). I had them all fixed but in ended up with having to feed 12-plus cats at the moment which is expensive.At least I know they themselves won't have litters and they are cared for.

OH!!!! These are fabulous shots!!! Is there anything sweeter than baby kittens?? :) Thanks for sharing!

Adorable little ones. You and your husband are Saints on earth! Perhaps you are St. Francis's now aday assistants. I'm so happy to hear you take all kittens you catch to Uncle Mike for the little snippity=do=dah proceedure. Your photos are outstanding. I truly enjoy each visit to your blog.

Anna...As always....love your story and photos of your cute little kittens. I thought that I "never" miss your blog...but I don't recall any update on the kittens you found who lost their mother (the ones that Alan bathed in Dawn and you fed with a tiny bottle). Did they make it? Did you find them a home? sorry if you posted and I missed it! Your life on the farm is so fun to read about....you do an outstanding job of retelling your life. Keep it all up!

Either you have a very long telephoto lens or Speck isn't THAT afraid of you, Anna! She's a pretty Momma - and her kittens (well, what can I say - ALL kittens are adorable!). Thanks for sharing!

Oh my GOSH are they adorable!!!! Those faces!!! Good for you for getting them fixed!!

The kittens are absolutely adorable!

Cute, cute and more cute!
The little cream stripe one is my favorite, I would name her Creamsicle.
We don't have any cats, except for the ones that stroll through our meadow on their travels elsewhere. I'm glad you get them fixed, good luck with Mama.
Tell your Dad good luck fishing tomorrow.

So super cute!! I adore cats and kittens and these two are so sweet! I especially like the little gray one - way better than pictures of 'hoppers ;)

I'm making your PB pie tonight - YUM!!

Your photos and story rock Miss Anna! Time to consider creating a children's book?

I just love kittens. Our sweet old girl. A beautiful longhair calico, Sabrina, passed away several weeks ago. She was very old. The pale gold kitty looks like her sibling, Fido, who we lost almost 3 years ago. I was thinking I would go with out a cat and catbox in the house for awhile. Now I am not so sure! DIL just brought home a chihuahua mix puppy that is 1/2 the size our cats where :) Have you tried to live trap Spec to take her to vet? Oor is she just that wylie you can't get her near it?
Enjoy the sweet babies. Hugs...

The last picture of the mother looks like she's thinking OK "go ahead, make my day" you're not gonna get me lady!..... Another perfect day here in the moutains. I feel fishy Oh so fishy, trouting tomorrow I shall go!......Love, Dad

Oh, the kittens are SO cute!I'm glad Alan has been able to handle them. Your chance of getting them to the vet will be much greater now! I hope they become more and more friendly. It would be nice if Speck would let you catch her, too! That has to be so frustrating...The kittens really are adorable, though. I'm a sucker for kitten ALWAYS! I would have a house full if I could! :D

Aw, I love kittens. Those two are adorable! Thanks for the pictures. They were just what I needed, today!

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