This evening I took my camera out to snap some photos. My first stop was to see what the ducks were up to. It was about 97 degrees, and just as I expected they were lounging in their pool in the shade. Can't say I blame them ... it was H-O-T!
When I'm in the yard with the birds, I get attention. They are always looking for handouts and it is not uncommon for me to leave their yard with muddy duck bill prints on my toes, knees, and pant legs, or if I kneel down to get eye level with them while I take photos, I get duck bill prints on my bum, pant pockets, elbows, etc.
Today I interrupted nap time and it took them a little longer to snap into snack-searching mode. But they didn't disappoint.
Normally when I take photos of the animals I use a zoom lens and don't have to get as close to them to get photos as I did today. I'm usually 5 or 10 feet from them. But today I had my macro lens on the camera (which does not zoom in or out), so I had to get pretty close to the birds in order to fill the frame of the photo like I prefer to do. I was about as close to the ducks as it actually appears in the photos.
Actually, I should say that they are as close to the CAMERA as they appear...
...and this is why I use clear filters on my lenses when photographing animals -- to protect the high dollar glass of my Canon lenses. Slime can occur. They are particularly fond of the camera strap around my neck. It gets lots of nibbling while I'm trying to take photos.
And not just from the ducks ... the chickens get in on the excitement, too.
After leaving the chicken yard, I stopped at the sunflower to see if I could find my Wheel Bug friend. A couple times a week since I relocated it to the red velvet sunflower I check the plant over to see if I can find the bug. Surprisingly enough, nearly every time I look I spot him!
I put this critter on this particular sunflower on July 2nd when we met for the first time. I am really surprised that it's still taking up residence on the sunflower, and that I can find it! They're a very shy bug, so I'm always surprised to see it.
More and more zinnias are blooming. This pretty orange blossom opened within the last couple of days. I think it's lovely!
And the echinacea is blooming nicely, so I took a photo of it's amazing flower center. These things are so poky!
Time to get out of the heat!

What a joy to see your photo's, they are amazing. I loved the one with the water droplets on the duck and of course "Mr. Wheelie" bug!
Posted by: Ida | July 17, 2010 at 07:56 AM
I am so amazed that you can get so close to photograph the ducks ... then again, you are the critter whisperer!
Posted by: bonnie weiss | July 16, 2010 at 04:02 PM
To Yvonne, I was lucky enough to be her father and I can tell you with all seriousness that it is a gift that she inherited from generations of Ranch family upbringing,compasion, a respect for life, she spends a great deal of time with them from a very early age with hands on gentility, she even talks to eggs. Animals are people too, you know. She treats them like her children. Beside that they know where the food comes from and the lady the brings it is their best friend. That's the truth........... Dad
Posted by: DK Wight | July 16, 2010 at 02:39 PM
seriously, how in the world do you get your chickens and ducks to like you!? mine run... and the rooster bit me the other day!
Posted by: Yvonne | July 16, 2010 at 12:06 PM
I think I'll join your ducks in the pool! ;)
Posted by: Kathy Martin | July 16, 2010 at 06:17 AM
wonderful, amazing photos!!
Posted by: Debbie | July 16, 2010 at 04:18 AM
wow Anna..your photos are always, but that macro lens is NICE!! the water droplets on the ducks are cool....
another hot one here in Mich. also...whew..too much for me..
Posted by: Kellie | July 15, 2010 at 07:48 PM
I think you have to find another wheelie bug for your Dad!!! He's just GOT to put one in epoxy!!! :D He is too funny. I know he's just dying to get his hands on that bug!
The white duck with the poofy 'do just quacks me up! He/she is TOO CUTE with that poof!!! I just LOVE all your pictures...they are fantastic. You are a genius photographer!!! :D
Posted by: diane mcvey | July 15, 2010 at 07:13 PM
I love love love your photography!!! The photos of your ducks are simply amazing. Thanks so much for sharing.
Posted by: Katie Rasmussen | July 15, 2010 at 06:25 PM
Fun pics for a very hot evening! I guess Mr. Wheelie likes that sun flower to stick around so long! Stay cool!
Posted by: Troy Louise | July 15, 2010 at 10:57 AM
I love how you make bugs look great!
Posted by: Brook | July 15, 2010 at 09:29 AM
Love the close up mug shots! Cool how you can capture even the water beading onthe ducks face! Hugs...
Posted by: Carol Dee | July 15, 2010 at 06:55 AM
Your photography is always so phenomenal!! The picture of the white duck is gorgeous ~ looks like she's just had her fluff done up, ready for her photo session ~ duck royalty I'd say! :)
Posted by: Dotty | July 15, 2010 at 06:41 AM
Amazing photography and what we actually see going on in the world through your lens and your wonderful photography. The ducks, flowers, bugs...all art in motion. Thank you so much sharing with us. The prehistoric bug-fellow is very interesting!
Posted by: Jennifer Woodward | July 15, 2010 at 02:29 AM
That lense works wonders! I like the look of the water on the ducks,like a net of diamonds. The prehistoric wheelie would be perfect for a block of epoxy but of course he is now famous and being enshrined in epoxy would be out of the question for all the bug people out there. Oh well, he sure would be a unique bauble for Melissa's birthday tho!........Love, Dad
Posted by: DK Wight | July 14, 2010 at 11:45 PM