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Heehee, we were away for a couple of days and I found SEVERAL of these hiding in my garden. A whole wheelbarrowful, in fact. Thanks for the zucchini bread recipe, I have been wanting to try a new one! Yum!

Wow, that's a big zucchini! We used to grow them but now our neighbors' trees are all so large we don't get enough sun. We can barely find room to grow our tomatoes which is a must at our house. Whenever we missed a zucchini and it got that big, we would split them in half, hollow them out, stuff it and then bake them - yummmm, or make zucchini bread:) When I buy them in the stores now, I look for the small thin zucchinis.

It is amazing how fast zucchinni can grow. In a matter of days they can grow from small to huge. I haven't grown zucchinni in a really long time, but when I did the vine bore worms would kill the plant right at the time when harvest would begin. Always a couple zucchinni and then the plant would wilt and die. I just quit growing it. I was too disappointing.

Old Nebraska Dave

Wow, you look like you have some extra special miracle grow!!! Your plants look so healthy, makes me wish I had a food growing in my yard. Thanks for the photos.

Oh, that's a beauty! I hope you are making some bread with it! Yum...
It's hard to believe your zucchini weighs more than my premature baby did 23 years ago! He was just over 2 pounds...yikes! but he's doing well, and will have a birthday in August! :D

Once they get this big we either slice them length ways, season and grill or make zucchni bread. Chocolate being the favorite. YUM. Hugs...

I have a ton of zucchini as well. I'm looking forward to "Sneak some zucchini on your neighbor's porch day". Several of my neighbors will find gifts of zucchini hanging from their doorknobs...

I use our oversized zucchini for zucchini bread - delicious! Grated zucchini freezes really well, too! Anxious to see what you do with yours!


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