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Oh my goodness, that is the plumpest toad I've ever seen! And he was so determined to get to your beans! Did it make you want to take the fencing down that night? Very cute.

Oh that one fella was givin' you quite the hairy eyeball! Guess humans aren't the only ones who think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. LOL!

we always want what we can't have, there was two perfectly good bugs, one climbing up the wire and one on the edge of the wooden bucket, and the frog didn't even bat a buggy eye at them...too funny how strong he was.


Your toads are absolutely persistent about their mission - whatever that might be! Neat video - thanks so much for sharing! The one really is huge!

Never seen a Gulf Coast Toad, so really really appreciate this video. Elder son loves it, too, but we feel so sorry for the toads and are looking forward to the day they can enter the bean patch. :)))

My goodness those are chubby little frogs. The last time I saw a frog I was in Freshman science and we had to dissect one. I like the lives ones better. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for running back in the house for your camera, Anna! I can't wait to get home so I can watch the video. For some reason, only the still pics on blogs are "allowed" at work :(

I come for the cards, but really do enjoy all your "everyday" and not so everyday animal shots. Living between a creek and a lake, I get some nice fauna sightings from time to time, but I went to our local zoo this weekend for some exotic animal sightings (if you like polar bears, check out my blog).

What great pics. Must be some yummy bugs in there!

Who'd have thought the toads would be that persistent. I enjoyed watching that.
Helpful video too, as it's confirmed my suspicion that the tub that should have beans in it actually has sunflowers. Ho hum...

wow you did a good job on filming the frog. Enjoyed. I love coming to your blog for the scrapbooking/cardmaking but also to see the farm animals and other creatures that you share with us.

A very persistant toad! We have a koi pond that attracts toads. Lots of courting *wink* equals lots of noise :)
Now we have LOTS of tiny tadpoles. Thanks for sharing some more of your interesting critters. (And is that a hiway I hear in the background? Well besides the cicadas.)
Have a terrific Tuesday, hugs...

Interesting creatures, those toads! I was hoping to see them catch a fly or something~~hehe! The toads here get in our window wells, and I have to put a stick in for them to climb out; otherwise they would be in there "forever"! I even put water in there for them. Are we suckers for all creatures, or what??!! (well, all but icky spiders.) :D

Awww...bless them! I don't think I've ever seen such looks of discouragement on a toad's face before. They are persistant! So fun to watch. Amazing what drama takes place in our gardens at night.

Toadally funny!! They really want in!!

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