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What beautiful coloring!

Can't say this too many times "life is so simple when everyone follows the rules". But sometimes it's more fun not too. Thanks for making me laugh!

Cute how the duck didn't want his picture taken.

The way you delight in your Critters (and share with us!) warms my heart! Thanks!

I would be happy as a clam spending time at your farm! Love the animals and photos! And I know you must have a great scrap room! ;)

You are so funny! LOVE all the pictures. Thank you for sharing with us. Grew up on a farm & now live in a big city. Your pictures bring back so many good memories. Brings a smile to my face every day.

Taking that ducks photo is like tryng to get one of my Husband's dog. Always on the move. Hugs...

They certainly have their own personality, don't they! Very good pictures. So funny!

He he!

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