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Are you in line for some of the backlash from Alex. Remember beware what you wish for. Love the photos of the sky and the veggies. I'm hungry now

Oooh, beautiful cloud formations and sunset! It's so sad that you're wishing for upper 80s/low 90s for coolness when we think that is hot summer weather here. We haven't had much of any summer to speak of so far this year. Here's wishing you lots of raindrops in the next few days . . . .

We've had 6 weeks of rain and blown out rivers. The last shot looks like your typical "Texas bermuda triangle" cloud formation. lovely, but dryer than a popcorn ----. River fishin with Jeff tomorrow, just like Anna ordered. Remember, "We're all in this together, so keep your stick on the ice"..... that's Yupper for "hang in there" .....Love, Dad

What an interesting panoramic composition. I love the black background onto which you placed your various photos. Hopefully some day I'll learn how to do that. My friend Vicki made her first panoramic with 5 photos. Here's the link: http://vickiwelsh.typepad.com/field_trips_in_fiber/2010/06/yesterdays-sunset.html

I loved your storm clouds.

I don't think the panorama is amateurish. I think it is artsy. In fact, if you tilted the photos on purpose...:)
Flooding in Nebraska. Maybe some of the floodwaters will come down a river for you.

Looking good inspite of the lack of rain. Our beans, peas, potatoes, brussels and kalorabi are looking good. The pumpkins, all squash and tomatoes are looking bad. Too much rain here. Looks like a dryer week ahead, yeah. Give the sump pump a break!
Pretty sunset photos. I do love a pretty sunset. Hugs...

Your garden makes me hungry for real food... I am learning "late in life" that fast food isn't real. It doesn't satisfy, and it actually makes me sluggish. Real food - especially something you've grown for yourself - wow, that's amazing!

Your storm cloud shots are very interesting - I'm hoping you get a good gentle rain.

I love seeing the pics of your garden. Our garden is beyond pathetic this year, again. Don't forget zucchini bread, too! YUM!

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