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No wonder you love chickens! It doesn't get any cuter than this! I especially love the tiny gray chick with the yellow head. She looks like the runt of the "brood" (is that the right term?) and keeps getting knocked around by the bigger chicks and Mama.

Ahh..how adorable!!! Is the little soft grey one with the yellow head OK? he seems a little skerd and not eating as much...oh lord..I could never have chicks...I'd have them in my bead with me. LOL Hope the little guy is doing well :-)

Oh, Edwina did GOOD!!! What beautiful babies! I love the little "grey flannel suited" one! Too cute! They are all just precious. Thanks for sharing them with us!! :D

I'm really enjoying your baby chick photos...those guys are tooo cute! I'm the adult you usually see at the petting zoo that doesn't have to have a child with me! I love animals!

You are absolutely right ... they couldn't be any cuter! Another morning smile ... thanks Anna.

Two minutes of ADORABLE ! I can't wait to see what colors the feathers will be...Love the blue/gray one in the middle. Do we hear a proud Papa in the background? Happy Saturday and hugs all around...

They are very adorable!


Wowie! You're absolutely right - they couldn't be any cuter!!!! :D

OMG! I want a farm, too. You have the best little gifts of nature.

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