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Hi Anna .... Your apron creation is adorable :0) Hope you're going to create some for your Etsy Store!

Oops, I forgot, Aunt Shirley had pockets on hers but they were always filled with cookies! Snicker Doodles I believe, Chocolate chips made a mess when you swiped one and you could get "caught" with sticky fingers.

Mina's (G Gramma) aprons were mostly without pockets for the gathering the eggs from the houses.Who beside King Kong could carry eggs in an apron from 300 hens? I was taught to use a bucket with some sawdust in the bottom and made multiple trips. cracked eggs = sore bottom, mine. Love, Dad OH, This one reminds me of some of the house dresses I remember from the women on the ranch. It has that "50's" look to it. Very cool!

Such a lovely combo of patterns and colors, Anna! You are so creative! I think you should just look at your apron as one big pocket. :)

Your apron is FANTASTIC! Love the fabrics, and the design! You'll have to show it to us full of eggs!!! :D

Adorable apron. Had to laugh about forgetting to include a pocket. :)

What a darling apron! I love the fresh colours and patterns. It struck me that you could make a great egg apron in the same fashion, but make all those little squares into pockets. I'm neither seamstress nor egg collector, so I don't know if it would be practical, but I thought it would be cute to have a little egg nestled safely in each compartment.

love the apron! you are SO inspiring... in fact... we picked up 8 chicks and 4 ducks yesterday, and i think it's because of your posts!!

I love it! and Tulips are my favorite! I want one!

Another excellent work! :) Thanks for posting this one.

Regarding the pocket, you can just stitch a pocket on it right? Instead of totally making a new one.

If it's reversible, can't you make a large slit on one side then you would have a REALLY large pocket? Just kidding you. It's a lovely apron. I have several Apron books. They are so much fun to look at and read the history on each one. You did a great job on it! I am not going to be surprised at anything else you come up with, cause it's always clever and cute!

Love the apron and the ruffle! The fabric looks wonderful!

I love it! The colors, the patchwork, the polka dots - just an all around winner. Thanks for sharing.

That is adorable!! I've been wanting to buy an apron but I can't find one that I like....and I can't sew. You're one lucky, talented gal! :)

Oh I just love the colors of your apron...they are so fresh and delightful! I don't use aprons myself but I can see why you would need one for egg collecting since the girls are going to town on the egg laying.
Beautiful job!

Really great sewing job on your cute apron. I love aprons although I never wear one. You are a talented woman!!

This is adorable!!! I've never owned an apron, but you might have me second guessing that choice now!

I love the vintage look and feel of this!

The colors are wonderful on your apron. Such a talent! I can sew a little bit, but would never start without a pattern! Lovely job!

I love aprons. I need to start wearing one more often. Yours is so gosh darn cute, Anna!!

Some of my fondest memories as a child were when I would help my Grandma gather eggs from the chicken house and she would do the same thing that you suggested with her apron. She never went with a basket just lifted up her apron and had a ready made basket.

Super cute apron!!! I'm the same way...so bad at using and making patterns!!LOL Love your project!!! and that fabric is yummy too!

You are just one talented woman Anna! I admire all of your work...

Very cute, Anna! A good find, indeed.

This is much to cute to wear in the chicken house !!! You will just have to make another one with lots of pockets and then REMEMBER to wear it out to do chores! :)
Happy Hugs...

Absolutely love the apron ... such happy colors!

How ridiculously cute! I'm the exact same way. I just eyeball and make up my own design/pattern as I go. Then people like the finished product and ask for the pattern (which I just have in my head:) I like your color and material choices:)

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