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So glad you didn't resist! These are some kinda cute, and your photos are so clear!

I love the little topknot....looks like she is wearing her Easter finery. My first pet was a baby duck. His house was a box under our dining room table. We used to have many adventures, such as tipping over the kitchen trashcan and eating eggshells and coffee grounds. Alas! our marauding grew mor dangerous as we grew and when we began tipping over trash cans in the alley, my friend was sent away to the farm. I was told that a fox got him but suspect he became someones dinner.

O_M_Sweetness..how adorable..and the blue pond...perfect photo prop!!!

very cute. so glad you shared!

Precious! Thanks for sharing.

Makes me want to swim with the ducks!
Great action shots. This is going to be a fun summer. Keep those photos coming , we can't get enough :) Hugs...

They're getting SO big and SO cute!!

Love these pics! They are grosing so fast!!

How is the duck with the bad hip doing?

Oh I love that little duck with the fuzzy hairdo. He is adorable. Great shots Anna.

Your photography is absolutely phenomenal! These are beautiful!!

I'm glad you took the pictures! Those are so good...and the ducks are SOOO cute! I am so jealous! :D I wish I had some ducks! I can't believe how quickly they grow...just amazing. Give them a couple of pats for me!

Nice poofy hat on that last one! So sweet!

They're getting so big, so quick, but they do that, don't they. I just love 'em. They put a big ol grin on my face!

ducks are so goofy looking at this stage - half fluffy baby and half feathered grown up

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