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Awwww, sounds like you could use some Greek yogurt and at least some Vitamin D too [sad face]. Hope you both get to feeling better.

Anna, I 'm so sorry you have had such a long, rough week. Get some rest this weekend, and hope the chickie is feeling better.

A chicken mama never rests it seems!!! If you weren't so far away I would come and help cuddle these ladies for you!
Diane (in Toronto!)

Rest up, my friend, and be well.

Bless your heart, and Dee's...I hope she feels much better very soon! And I hope you get a GOOD night's sleep tonight, for sure. That is so helpful when you are just exhausted!
Try to have a relaxing weekend (as much as a farmer can relax!) and I hope you get some sunshine. That should be really welcomed! We have had rain for days, and I'm so TIRED of it! It needs to be bright and sunny or the whole state is going to be depressed! ha
HUGS to you...and Dee. TAKE CARE!!! :D

Hmmm, Dee is a Good name! Luckily she has you to look after her until her vitamins arrive :) Have a relaxing weekend. hugs...

Well Dee and I have the same name!!! Plus we both love Greek yogurt...makes us kind of a kindred spirit in a way...
Sure hope she is feelin' better Anna.
Big hugs from SW Oklahoma.

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