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My guess is 69!! Love all the colors!!

Well now, you sure know how to get people to comment! Love the cute note pad, would love to win it (We all would!) Hmmmm, how about 57 eggs? HUGS...

My guess is 68. I am glad you sell those eggs. My cholesterol went up just looking at all of them!
How was the snow?

73? I dunno!!

I am gonna guess 36 eggs!

My guess is 147 beautiful eggs :)

Oh I wanna win that...I am guessing 54 eggs! Thanks for a fun game, Anna!

I guess about 55. Lots of omelets there!

OK, not sure if anybody has guessed 59 yet, but that is my guess. Thanks for the chance to win and I am delighted that t has...CHICKENS!!!on it. Wooo Hooo

51 beautiful eggs!!!

I'm going to guess 67 eggsellent eggs! My those girls have been busy!


I'll say 76 eggs and I'll have an egg salad sandwich please!!!

I'm thinking 63 eggs...I love your cards and

Egg-cellent!! How fun! I am going to guess 74 eggs.

this is fun ..I guess 52
thanks diana

Wow - that's alot of eggs. My guess is 53!

I am going to say 46.....

I am guessing 75 eggs in the basket. It's a great photo - I love it!

Well I was going to guess 82 but it looks like at least one other person guessed that so I'll say 81. Those girls ARE going crazy! What fun!

Wow, what a gorgeous bowl and gorgeous eggs to go in it! I can't resist throwing my guess...82! I love your dad's answer...he's too funny!!! That little notebook is adorable!

71 is my egg-sact guess :)

I'm guessing 88 because its a lucky number.

Wow you sure did get a lot of eggs! I love how different the colors are on all of them. I am going to guess you got 56 eggs in that beautiful blue bowl.

62 gorgeous, yummy eggs!

84 eggies. How fun...thanks!

My guess is 52 gorgeous eggs! Thanks for the contest Anna.

I think it looks like 88. I love the color of the bowl...You know I love Blue!

With all the guesses from the lovely ladies surely better than mine, I have decided to play safe and since family members dont get to win anyway, and say All of 'em! Love, Dad

It looks like 47 to me.

I'm guessing 59....

My guess is 51. I tried to pick something that was'nt already picked too many times.
Love the Note Pad!!

My guess is 57 eggs. This is fun!

I'm gonna guess 59. Beautiful eggs! Beautiful notebook!

What a crackin' fun contest! I work for an egg processing facility and make lots of chicken themed cards for my coworkers. I'm always inspired after visiting your blog. I'm going to go with 88 for a guess. Can't wait to see how many are tucked inside your pretty bowl. Congrats on the EGGstravaganza happening in your coop!

Are there 63 eggs in your bowl?

107 beautiful eggs . Oh how I miss farm fresh eggs.

61 sounds like a good number.

I'm guessing 40! The eggs are beautiful!


Those eggs are beautiful! My guess is that there are 63 eggs in the bowl.

I guess 43 - it is as good a guess as any, right? Love all you chick pics!

My guess is 62!

Let's go with 67 just for kicks and grins. I really don't think there are nearly that many, but you never know how small some of the eggs in teh bottom might be. Thanks for the chance to win something!

I'm goin' with 83! (I hope you have multiple refrigerators!)Super cute project...again! So, did you buy the monster fabric? ;)

My guess is 53. Awesome bunch of eggs Anna! I'm getting some chix this spring. I want some that will lay the tinted eggs.
Hey, do you sell chicks?

WOW! What a bowl of eggs. My guess is 73.

my guess is 49.they are so pretty in that blue bowl. i love the dark brown ones!!

56 eggs, really pretty too!

59 eggs. They look yummy.

I'm going to guess 55.

Wow now that is alot of eggs. I am going to guess 54.

My guess is 65. I was going to take 57 but that was taken several times.

I counted about 30 just on top. So, I am going to say 73 eggs. I was going to say 70, but I don't think the girls laid me a perfect even number. Thanks for the chance to win.

I'll guess 50!!

I am not an eggspert in counting eggs, but guess will be 57!

105 beautiful eggs.

My guess is 48 eggs. They are all beautiful together!!

I think there's farty fahr eggs in that thar bowl. That would be 44! LOL

My guess is 36. I would love to have some of those farm fresh eggs. They look wonderful.

They're all pretty. I'm going to guess 53. Thank you, Mari

Wow! That is a lot of eggs. I am going to guess 53. Thanks for a chance to win.

My first guess was 37...but then I saw someone else said that so I am going to say 38! That's a LOT of EGGS!!!!!


I going to say 66! The eggs really look great.

Anna, these eggs look sooo pretty all gathered in this bowl! I got a kick out of the fridge pic...you may have to get a mini fridge just to keep YOUR food fresh...lol Your bowl looks pretty darn full...I'm going to say 63ish?

Oh what an adorable note pad! The colors are so happy and you've got to love the little chickens/hens. I think there are 44 eggs in the bowl. Thanks for a fun little contest.

My guess is 68.

72 Beautiful Eggs. Sure wish I lived closer so we could enjoy them. Any trips to Ohio planned???

My first hunch was 48, so I'm stickin' with it!

I am guessing 56, would love to have the eggs too. but that's impossible to ship to Ohio. So will just admire their lovliness from afar.

my guess is 64 beautiful and delicious eggs

I'm guessing there are 81 beautiful eggs :)
All of your little zippies are so precious, it would be fun to have one for each purse I owned!

Without having read any of the prior comments, my guess was 53. I vascilated but kept coming back to the number 53. So there you have it. Fifty three!

I'm going to say 78!

47 multicolored/multisized eggs

You had so many eggstimators that I'm going to go with 89. You may already have someone guessing that amount and with the various sizes there could be even more. They are gorgeous with the many types of breeds of hens and I enjoy keeping up with everything going on at the farm with you and Alan. Happy Clucking!

My guess is 50...
I love your Zippy's & all your farm stories.
& of course your stamping...

My quess is 78 eggs. I'm lovin' all the cute things you are stichin' up lately. Talent seeps from your pores!

My guess is 47 eggs of all hues. Love to just look at the bowl!

My guess is 61.....

Hi, Anna! I was going to say 84 but someone took that so I will say 86! Muah, ha, ha, 86 eggs in the bowl. Fun contest.

Whoa, that's alot of eggs. I guess 64.
Love all the different colors in your eggs. Wish you lived around here so I could buy some of those eggs.

my guess is 56

I am going with 77 eggs.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

WOWZERS! We are getting more eggs too, but not even CLOSE to that many! I'm going to guess 82.

My guess is 66 eggs, and that is one big bowl!

Hi Anna 48 eggs!! Love all the zippies you have been making lately!!

83 eggs!!! I can smell the bacon and eggs already! :)

99 eggs in Anna's big bowl, 99 eggs to eat.... you take one out, pass it around, 98 eggs in Anna's big bowl :)

My guess is 99.

They are beauties! how about 85
.. I love the fabrics you use!!

58 is my guess, and aslo my age :)

Hmmm... My guess is 117.... What a beautiful collection! (and a cute little notebook!)

i'm going to guess 47 eggs.

My guess is 59.

I'd say 52. :)

Looks like 37 eggs to me.

I guess 47.

My guess is 50 eggs. Sherry

I'm guessing an even 60 eggs.

My guess is 46 beautiful eggs... !!! :)

64 is the right number im sure! cluck!

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