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Hi Anna :0) I've been out-of-touch over the last two weeks from the land of Blogs and my favorite Farm Chic! And seeing how I missed ALL of your first releases in sewing projects, I need to pull my hair out, just to remind myself to never miss anything again !! LOL

Your zippered creations are a total BLAST and so sweet :) The details and material choices, make them unique and precious. So get your pedal to the metal, and get your motor rolling .... on your sewing machine that is :)))))

Robbi xxoo

You need to make some more and put them in your store!!!! I really need one of these designs - they are all sooooo cute!

i've been swamped w/ work the last few days and just saw this post. talk about snoozing & losing ... LOL! looking forward to seeing more of the awesome quilted wallets in the shop soon. i won't be late this time!! =)

Gone in a flash, I can see why, all of them are adorable! You've been busy. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for your next round!

Soooooooooooooo sad...more please!!!!

Oh man! They're all sold out! I can't believe I missed it. If you're in the mood for more sewing and have enough fabric left, I'd love to buy 2 each "For the Love of Chickens" (sunrise and picket fence) and 2 each of the "Sassy Floral and Polka Dots" zippies.

Well no wonder they are all gone! You are amazing, always busy! And everything you do is so darn cute!!! LOVE all the new crafty things in your shop. I will check back to see when you restock. Keep them coming, you seem to have a hit on your hands!!! Hugs...

Ok, time to get your sewing machine out! :0) There's only one item left in your store. I really would like to buy one of your wallets.

TOO FUN!!! You are so creative with the sewing machine! :D
Can't wait to get my new goodies!
Have a great week, Anna!!!

Anna.....these are so cute! I bought a zippy as well (just because they were soooo darn cute). I, too, would have loved the chicken/sunrise mostly because it makes me think of all of your chicken stories. What can I say.....your stories intertain me. If it's at all possible...I would wait on delivery just to get a chicken one!!!! All of your work is fantastic....as I have told you before.....you have "flair". Keep it up and let us hear more from the farm. Jean

These are all so cute, I went and bought a sent of my own. Thank you! I really appreciated the link to the tutorial for the wallet. Do you have something similar for the pouch? I, too, have never tried a zipper. What can I say? I'm chicken. Until I work up the nerve, I'll just have to be content with your crafty creations! :)

I'm so glad you posted this Anna! I love EVERYTHING you make, and these little wallets are so cute!

Sorry Sharli, the Chicken Sunrise went into my cart immediately. It's going to be a perfect birthday gift for my sister-in-law.

Someone beat me to it! I love the chicken sunrise one - but it was g-o-n-e by the time I got to the payment page.

These are just wonderful Anna!


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