Wishing you all the happy-est, and tasty-est of Thankgiving holidays!
After a morning of cooking and prepping, Alan and I will be having turkey dinner at his parent's house. I'm looking forward to baked turkey, delish veggies, and some ooooh so good homemade pumpkin pie!
Gobble till ya Wobble!
PS: I'll try to give an update on the farm in the next day or two... Lucy, our little red Dexter heifer is due to deliver her baby any day now. I've GOT to get an updated photo of her! The transformation has been incredible since you last saw her! Can you say MILKSHAKE, anyone?!
Cheers to you!

Happy Thanksgiving to all, I think this would be a great time to be thankful for the entire blessing we have received.
my mom's cooking the turkey and making the dressing right now. I absolutely love the dressing... best part for me on Thanksgiving.
Posted by: | December 02, 2009 at 05:08 AM
Love your digitally drawn turkey! Hope you had a great turkey day.
Posted by: Shellie Daniel | November 29, 2009 at 01:02 PM
Glad you had a wonderful time with Alan's family. I know it's hard to not be with your Mom and Dad and extended family. I miss those days, too...change is hard! I hope your Dad is doing well, I had 11 here for Thanksgiving dinner (including 6 children under age 9!!) and we had a great time. I'm hoping to get some stamping done now that the big day is over!! =)
Posted by: diane mcvey | November 29, 2009 at 06:56 AM
Went to Gramma's house for Turkey and it was wonderful, So no leftovers, Rats! No snow yet, How about that now, what a difference a year makes! Stamp,stamp,stamp less than 30 days til Christmas girls. Carol and Ida, I hope your day was as fine as mine. DK Wight
Posted by: DK Wight | November 27, 2009 at 04:33 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your wonderful family. Hope your day is filled with lots of love, laughter and of course good food.
Posted by: Ida | November 26, 2009 at 03:07 PM
Happy Thanksgiving, Anna!
Posted by: Sharli | November 26, 2009 at 07:16 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Alan and of course your DAD! I had to chuckle when I read MILKSHAKE, Poor Lucy! I am anxiously waiting to see the newest arrival, too. Hugs...
Posted by: Carol Dee | November 26, 2009 at 06:09 AM
Happy Turkey Day Anna!! I hope you & Alan have a fun filled day with delicious food & family!!
Posted by: Karrie Baker | November 26, 2009 at 04:53 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family-enjoy your time together!
Posted by: Bev | November 26, 2009 at 04:36 AM
Hi Anna~~Wishing you, Alan and the rest of the extended family, including the four & two-legged/ ones, a wonderful & Happy Thanksgiving :)
I'm sure there is a huge sigh of relief around the chicken coop, since the Ladies must know by now, that they are not going to be dinner this year! Which of course makes me VERY happy !
Have a wonderful family gathering and ensure to communicate how much you care and love those surrounding you, this coming Thanksgiving :0)
Gobble Gobble xoxo
Posted by: Robb_eeie | November 25, 2009 at 11:29 PM