...can you handle more chicken photos? ...I hope so... *grin*
This is Chatty. She's considered to be an "Easter Egger" pullet. She is a cross between an Old English Game Bantam (her mama) and an Ameraucana (her papa). She was one of the chicks that hatched down in the barn in December.
Chatty just started laying cute little green-shelled eggs late last week. She's an adorable little gal, who LOVES to talk. She also loves to be held. And she was the best helper while we were working on the new chicken yard. She had to make sure every screw and every wire was in just the right spot. And she told us what she thought every step of the way.
Chatty used to live at the barn with her sisters and some of the older barn hens, but she got in the way of one of the older *bossier* hens and got a terrible 2" open wound on her neck. Thankfully I interact with the chickens daily and was able to get her isolated and treated right away. She has healed up nicely, but still has a large scar on the back of her neck that interrupts the growth pattern of her feathers.
This is Cheeks, one of Chatty's sisters who also hatched in December. She is also an "Easter Egger" pullet, but hasn't started laying eggs yet.
Cheeks also used to live at the barn, but like Chatty, she got in the way of one of the older *bossier* hens and ended up with a open wound on her head! She immediately joined Chatty in our ICU ward where they both got treated (and spoiled). She has healed up nicely, but has a scar that interrupts the feathers on her head.
See how she's holding her wings out from her body? That's one way a chicken keeps cool on hot days. Nothing better than a nice cool breeze under your wings when it's 90+ degrees out!
Because these two spent so much time away from the barn, and because they seemed to be the two that got picked on by the older hens, I've decided that they'll be integrated in with the babies at the new coop. I refer to them as the head injury duo.
We finally got phase 1 of the new chicken yard completed so yesterday the chicks had their first full day in their new yard, and didn't have to be supervised! It was a great time for photos -- I'll share some of the chick photos tomorrow!
Here's a photo of the coop as it is today. It doesn't look like we've made much progress, but we have! There are still lots of things left to do. Like frame up the small windows we added in the storage area of the building, cut in and finish the large window on the back wall of the coop, finish the chicken door (right now it's just a rough cut hole), continue working on the full chicken yard, paint the trim, and a whole slew of other odds and ends. See the red cord coming out of the window? That's operating the HUGE fan we have in the coop to keep the birds cool. I can't believe how HOT and HUMID it has been here. I don't think I could wish any harder for cool temps and rain!
The 10'x16' roof over their back yard took longer than planned, but I'm glad we did it. It provides great shade and will keep the ground behind the coop from getting too muddy and gross when we actually DO get rain. This kind of covered area really expands the living area of the birds, giving them just that much more space out of the weather. We'll be adding a 30'x30' run off the far side of the coop. The large 30'x30' yard will have two access doors. One from the existing 10'x16' back yard, and one from the front side of the coop. The original plans were to have a 30'x30' yard on both sides of the coop, along with the 10'x16' run at the back, so we'll see how that comes along.
The small wooden structure you can see in the yard is a brooder, which is typically used to house small chicks in the coop when they still need a heat lamp. The front of the brooder folds down, allowing the birds to go in and out as they wish. That is where the head injury duo have been living, enjoying the yard during the day yet having the security of a locked brooder at night. Now that the small chicks are able to access the yard, the head injury duo get to see the chicks but not physically interact with them just yet. They all need time to get used to each other before they're allowed to mingle together. After a week or so, they should all be used to each other and the head injury duo will be able to live with the others, having free access to the coop and yard. This is a nice, safe way to introduce birds to each other. And safe is always best...
Stay tuned for more!
Cluck cluck!
I tell ya, those chickens have the best digs in Texas!
Posted by: Lisa Hjulberg | May 17, 2009 at 05:48 PM
besides being childhood friends, we also have our beloved chickens in common. I have two hens and a chick in my suburanite back yard. Which I "think" I am keping a secret from my HOA, although no one has complained so far. My lovelies are named "Princess-Diamond" "Mary-Kate" (Ashley had an unfortunate accident with a raccoon) and baby "Mochi"
Oh, the sweet life of a hen
Posted by: Melanie La Ville Moore | May 17, 2009 at 12:12 AM
someday i'll send you some pics of our chicken coop. ugh! yours, on the other hand, looks like it needs someone like me to come and live in it! :) cluck?
Posted by: Shala | May 16, 2009 at 06:54 PM
It's is funny to hear you talk about the personality's of your chickens, for instance your comments on Chatty! When i was about 8, i had a chicken i carried around in a baby buggy and i remember now, in thinking about it, she didn't seem to mind too much.....she stayed right in the buggy while i pushed her all over! So again your comments bring back sweet memories! I really need to have my Momma scan a picture of my brother and i and our baby calf "Coffee", who's mama didn't want him and send it to you.
Posted by: Carla | May 15, 2009 at 11:17 AM
Poor Chatty. Sometimes talking too much can get you into real trouble. Cheeks has beautiful feathers! Chickens sound like cats as far as getting used to one another is concerned. Their coop and runs and 'patio' are wonderful. Lucky clucks!
Posted by: Shellie Daniel | May 14, 2009 at 09:21 PM
What sweet chicks! I've never seen one with blue legs...pretty neat! Their coop is coming along great!!
Posted by: Viv (VivLyn) | May 14, 2009 at 03:37 PM
I'm so glad you're doing updates on the chickens and their coop!
Posted by: Erika M | May 14, 2009 at 03:04 PM
so cute. I didn't know chickens could be cute! What does Easter egger mean??
Posted by: Rebecca Ednie | May 14, 2009 at 02:46 PM
Wonderful photos!
One of my lasting memories of high school was watching a filmstrip called "The Pecking Order of Chickens" in Biology 2. It was a little shocking to me then. Your story is a real-life reminder of that old filmstrip! (Do they even use filmstrips anymore? I doubt it!)
Posted by: Ann | May 14, 2009 at 10:24 AM
I think those older *bossier* hens need to be shown a stew pot -- that might shake them out of those nasty moods! These gals are sooooo stinking cute! How could anyone pick on them? I am so glad you check on the clucks daily so that you can catch those injuries before they become severe.
I must tease you just a little -- we have rain today (trying to erase our 12" deficit in one month right now!). We are supposed to get some sun this weekend but those crazy weather men have been wrong before! I don't envy you that 90 degree weather -- way too hot for this Oregonian!
Love the coop, love the photos! Thanks for sharing,
Posted by: Manetta Deggelman | May 14, 2009 at 10:11 AM
Anna, just wanted to let you know I get the biggest kick out of your stories. They just make my day! And I LOVE that Cheeks has blue LEGS!!!! Now, if you'll 'scuse me, I have to go stamp a chicken (blue legs and all)!! haha Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Denise | May 14, 2009 at 08:43 AM
Wow, it looks fantastic so far! What lucky chickens you have! Can't wait to see more pics!
Posted by: Danielle | May 14, 2009 at 08:21 AM
NICE coop! And beautiful chickens ;-)
Posted by: Kelly | May 14, 2009 at 08:11 AM
No wonder they call it "The Pecking Order!" Poor Chatty and Cheeks - they did nothing to deserve such brutality. Glad you have a safe place to let them loose. Your Coop is looking fantastic. My goodness, I should have such a crafting space!!!!!
Posted by: Barb Hardeman | May 14, 2009 at 08:05 AM
Anna - you should fashion little helmets for them! If Tiny Tim can have a coat, these gorgeous girls deserve helmets - maybe out of a half of a colored plastic easter egg. . . oh, think of how stylish they would be. ;)
Posted by: MicheleP | May 14, 2009 at 08:02 AM
Poor chickies getting picked er, pecked on! Chatty is so regal looking with her neck feathers and Cheeks, with her cute little blue legs, looks like she is about to start dancing, lol.
Looks like you've accomplished quite a bit of work on the coop. Looking good!!!
Posted by: Cindy H. | May 14, 2009 at 07:12 AM
Thank you for sharing updates on your beautiful chickens and that awesome coop.
Posted by: Tracye | May 14, 2009 at 06:13 AM
It's so nice to read how much you care for your feathered friends. "Head Injury Duo"...reminds me of that SNL skit years ago, "Head Wound Harry!"
Very nice post!
Posted by: Tricia | May 14, 2009 at 05:36 AM
Cheeky and Chatty are pretty. Glad you where their to help them out. The coop is looking good. (Good enough for human habitation!) Looking forward to seeing the other chicks:)
Happy Thursday, Hugs...
Posted by: Carol Dee | May 14, 2009 at 05:01 AM
Cheeks and Chatty are both as cute as can be. I so enjoy reading about your chickens. Keep the pictures coming.
Posted by: Sandy Hill | May 14, 2009 at 04:59 AM
Love those blue legs! Glad their head wounds are on the mend.
Posted by: Doris | May 14, 2009 at 04:29 AM
I am so enjoying your chicken stories and updates. A sweet little distraction when life gets challenging. Thank you!
Posted by: Luanne tenHarmsel | May 14, 2009 at 04:28 AM