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Anna I truly enjoy your pictures and tales of Bad Betty and the rest....my husband always said if we retired and got out into the country he would like to have a goat....think I will show him your blog......

What an absolute RIOT! Now I'm singing "Bad to the Bone" after reading about BAD Betty. She looks so innocent and friendly. :) And Maggie's chatter about being able to dance and tattling on Betty totally cracked me up! She repeats herself exactly like some kids I know. Thanks for the laughs.

Marble, Wishbone, and Admiral - Remind me of the nuns singing about Maria! "How do you solve a problem like B-Betty?" :-)

Oh my goodness! That was priceless!

Oh Anna - I lauged and laughed and had to call my hubby over to see as well! Thanks for sharing farm life with us city folks!

That first photo of Boxcar Betty just cracks me up! She looks like she should be in a psych ward somewhere! LOL
I love your photos, and the successful leaf munching...too cute! You bring a lot of joy to our lives with your fabulous photography, and witty writing. What a pleasure it is to visit your blog every day!
Have a great weekend! =)

Okay, Anna, that's it. You NEED to write children's books and illustrate them, too. You have got it going on Girl!

Have I told you lately how much I love your farm pix and stories.


OMG this to too frickin funny. Thanks for the tale of bad Betty. I have happy tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

I enjoyed your tales of Bad Betty. What a hoot she is! Goats are just so much fun to watch. However, if I had to take care of her I might not find some of Betty's antics so funny. Thanks for sharing.

Such cute photos and a cute story!

Loved reading about Baaaad Betty and the comments from the Peanut Gallery were great! So fun and silly! Thanks for making us all smile!

Anna, I laughed all the way through this and enjoyed all your other recent farm photos, as well. What a great way to start my morning! Thanks!

Oh Anna!!!!!! what an exciting little story about Bad Betty!! I lOVED it. My sister had a goat while we were kids growing up and that darn thing was always getting into trouble. Bad Betty is just to cute and your story was keeping me laughing....please keep us up to date as to what Bad Betty does next....I'll be waiting.

Hi Anna! We have 8 pygmey goats and they are a hoot! I think there's just something special and like you said "rotten" about pygmey goats. We have 1 pygmey named Tess, she is anciently old and she's like the Grand Pooba of our goats. Tess is always first to eat, gets her way, and she has 7 children (different sets of babes she's had, ranging from 5 years to 1 year). Well they proetect "Mama" with everything in them. It's so funny! When I first married my hubby, his family already had Tess. Well I was sure she was gonna ram me with her horns or bite me! Boy I didn't know a thing about goats! :)

Ha ha ha, my stomach hurts so bad from laughing looking at theese cute photos and reading your comments. Goats are such entertaining animals. Super cute but with loads of personality. Thanks for sharing!
Hugs /Hanna

SO much fun an the farm. Yee Haw! Betty must be related to out BAD DOG ...LOL
If trouble can be found Will is right in it! Love the photo essay and fun captians. I will be checking in soon to see what else is happening down on the FUN FARM. :)

Oh, how I LOVE your farm stories and photos! There's a farm near here with baby goats that love to frolic and kick up their heels--too cute... It's a good thing we don't have any of our own 'cause my naughty cats are bad enough!

even if Betty is bad, it looks like she is cute enough to get away with most of it. let us know what she gets into next :)

Fantastic photos and GREAT narration! Thanks for sharing the animal stories from your farm - they are so FUN! Betty sure is a cutie, but looks like trouble for sure! They are all lucky to have you and Alan for their parents!

I love your blog!!! It makes me smile. This article was great on Bad Betty. Have you ever considered writing and illustrating a children's book?

I love reading your blog everyday! You make me laugh so hard! :) My kids also get a kick out of your barnyard pics! This one could be a children's book! Thank you!

You are hilarious! Love the photo's AND the commentary. This would have been a fantastic little movie!

Poor Betty! I love all the other little creatures talking about her! I can hear them now! Well Farmer Lady, great post and it made me laugh!!! As Martha would say, "That's a good thing!" :)

AWESOME photos...and pretty cute animals too! :-)

Anna, you make my day! I love your farm humor intertwined with fabulous photos. I grew up on a farm and we mistakenly bought 2 billy goats. Jesse and James...oh the trouble they would cause. Not to mention their smell would make the cows very crabby! Thanks for sharing Crazy Betty's antics.

She's a cutie. You're a cutie. Your dad's a cutie too ( well his comments are anyway!).
Thats why I love this place!

Well you know WE ALL have a bad betty in the family....whether human or not! You just have to love them a little extra! ha

As for the chickens...i think that curly q looks more like a marmalade! ha I love her...she is fabulous!

Oh Anna, you are great at creative cards and your drawings skills are AWESOME, but i must say, i just love love love the pictures of all your critters!!! I grew up in the city, but spent all the time i could at my grandparents farms! And, sadly for me, i'm grown now and still in the city, though my heart is in the country....so for me, just looking at your pictures, brings me back to what i miss the most....country life! Thank you for sharing your life with me, it always makes me smile!

Very, very funny. What fun you have with all of your adorable animals. Your pictures are just super. Thanks.

Hilarious! OMG just reading about Boxcar Betty and her antics makes me laugh but those pictures really made me chuckle. Anna you have such a talent for making your farm truly come alive to your blog readers. Thanks again for sharing these wonderful photos and commentary.

Yup, Just like I have always known, It's just one itty bitty step from talking to the animals to hearing them talk back. Chickens are by far the worst when it comes to gosip,they just cant keep a secret, never trust a chicken with any juicy secrets. Armadillos never gosip. Donkeys have loose lips too, yup, stories spread fast around the farm you just cant tell who is going to "rat" on you. Love, Dad

Oh my GOSH! That is so stinkin' hilarious. I LOVE your photography and those captions with the photos are so cute. You should do childrens movies with your farm animals and edit audio captions..mine would LOVE that. IS THAT A PATIO CHAIR SHE IS STANDING ON TO GET TO THOSE LEAVES? GO BETTY.

I got such a kick out of your commentary. I truly look forward to reading your blog each and every day!

Absolutly love your post today! Love all of the farm animals comments! Your have such an endearing way of writing and your photos always make me envious of your talents.

Thanks for making me smile today!

well i agree.....this is a childs book in the making!

Betty must be a hoot to have around your farm! I have 3 pgymies so I know how entertaining they can be.

Just wanted to say that I loved your post today. You just crack me up! Thanks for the farm updates!

You should write a children's book this is really fun reading the stories about the antics of the animals.

LOVE all the animal photos! Callio-Pea is such a pretty girl, and looks SO sweet and innocent. But being that she is also a goat, I wouldn't bet on that!

Anna!! I just about peed my pants laughing so hard at this little skit!! That was awesome! Thank you

Anna, You better write a children's book & illustrate it w/your photo's...That was great!
Gramma Dar

Once again great minds think alike. This is exactly what I was going to comment about. You really should do it!

This is hilarious...What a cute little thing. Oh, I just get a kick out of your adventures on the farm. Have a great day!!!

What a great story! Love the photos! Poor Betty, what's a gal to do when there's a chair sitting under those yummy leaves that are calling her name. :) I think she's resourceful. he he

Thanks for the laugh this morning...she is hilarious!

OMGoodness! I feel like I've had my own little farm adventure this morning! I can tell I love Bad Betty...although I am glad I'm not the one who has to race to get in or out without her escaping! LOL! Thanks for sharing - just delightful!

Anna, You better write a children's book & illustrate it w/your photo's...That was great!
Gramma Dar

Oh! What a Hoot!!! That's the cutest little story about Bad Betty,,,too funny,,,can't believe she's up on that chair just to get those leaves..naughty little Betty!!! what fun tho'....

Anna, Thanks for the wonderful pictures and short story this morning. It's time to find a publisher and get to work on that children's book. My preschoolers so enjoy your farm pics and Betty was a hit with them.

What a hoot! I sure needed that laugh. TFS.

Oh, I loved this, Anna!! I think it would be a super children's book. You could call it *Boxcar Betty and Her Baaaad Habits*, lol.

She sure is cute & full of mischief. The pics are great - I felt like I was right there in the middle of the action! :)

OMG - Look at her standing on the chair to eat those leaves, LOL. It's a wonder it hasn't tipped over on her.

I have a very naughty pony that gets into mischief like that. He's always trying to get that blade of grass on the other side of the fence, cause you know it tastes SO much better over there! I've seen him on his knees just to try and stretch that extra centimetre.

Hi Miss Farmer Lady ~~ Thanks for the wonderful laugh and spectacular photos of the gossip circle that is within the farm.

Ms. Betty has such a wacked-out look in her eyes when she is into something, or contemplating something. LOL She certainly is cute even if she is a sh*t disturber :)

Tell me Anna, do ~any~ of your farm animals look 'normal', or act 'normal', or have 'normal' feathers, or lay 'normal' size eggs? Seems like every critter you have has *issues* :0)

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