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Is it a chicken egg? Wow, it looks round too. Will it hatch? That would be cool!


Is it hollow? It's a cute little thing but geez even my greeting cards weigh more than that :)

Which chickie laid it? Do you know?

Wonderful photography of your very pint sized egg. Is it fertile? I can't even imagine it not registering on the scale and needing a battery to help it along. That is too funny...hope all the rain isn't putting a damper on the new baby donkey.

Great photogpraphy and thank you for the point of reference. Amazing! I wonder if the tiny egg is destined to hatch.

From tiny eggs come tiny chicks?!?!

It's official, tiniest egg ever!

Oh my word this is TINY. Loved the pictures of your dogs. Caiden my little one did too.


Wow, I don't believe I've ever seen an egg that tiny! It could pass for a marble!

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