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We have some mille fleur americauna cross chicks about to hatch - details about or a photo of your full grown chick would be appreciated!

Sweet little chickums! Love them all!

Those babies are just the cutest! I live in the city, so we don't get a chance to see real checks around here. I do have a question about the chocolate chick...will she lay chocolate eggs:)

I can't tell you how much I enjoy your pics of your chicks and assorted other livestock...I miss this a lot! the last member of our family in farming just sold out after the family had been at it in this country since 1723.....I cried!

How sweet! I really enjoy your animal pics.

They are so sweet!

Anna! Anna!
I saw your article in the new Scrap & Stamp Art Magazine! Congratulations!! I didn't know you have over 300 designs with WS! That is great! I wish you continued success!!

Take care and STAY POSITIVE!

your little chicks are so cute. thanks for sharing them with us

The last time I had baby poultry, it was 30 guinea chicks. You have to order more guineas because they are so small, you need that many to keep them warm enough to mail safely. We would go out and gather bugs for them every day and watch the carnage. It was our entertainment. We're odd people, we don't have TV, we read and watch adorable little fluff balls tear innocent insects limb from limb for our fun. Once we threw a big, healthy grub into the brooder. The guineas all went and huddled in a corner while quietly peeping and eyeing the grub with suspicion. We actually had to take the grub out of the brooder. I theorized that since guineas don't scratch like chickens do, an insect that lives IN the ground is not on their diet. Or maybe these guineas were just grubists.

I can't tell you how impressed I am with your chick photography skills. Very nice work! Mind if I ask which lens you use?

BTW - found your site through BYC.

Nice pix. Cute chicks. They're adorable.

Oh, they are adorable! Beautiful babies, and growing so fast...
Hope you have a wonderful week! We just had a blizzard today (sheesh!) but hopefully it's the last snow for a long time!!!
Thanks for the great pictures! :D

I'm totally loving the chick pictures and all the stories you've been telling. It's nice to hear some using genetic terms because I'm a science teacher. I always hear from my students we'll never use this.

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