« Houdini: 2 months | Main | Yoooo-hoooo, crafty mojo.... »


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your website...especially with the rooster with the coat...oh my gosh, I laughed so hard...

Hey Anna,
My son Simon would like to submit a name for the baby chick...he suggested Peck. He loves all the pictures of the animals and remembers when you've asked for name suggestions. I know you weren't in need but I thought it was sweet that he wanted to play along. Hee Hee.

After months of coming to work and checking many blogs on a daily basis, I just had to tell you that yours is my favorite. Each time I begin to open yours I notice a a smile creep across my face as I anticipate what you may have to say about cards or animals today. Thank you for brightening my day.

These are so sweet and cute - thanks so much for sharing. That Houdini is adorable -how do you keep your hands off him? I would want to be petting and talking with him all the time.

How adorable Anna! I can't wait for our chickens to start setting so we can have those little fluffs chirping everywhere! And how cute is Edward Scissorbeak, so happy he found a loving home with you, I'm sure many people wouldn't have given him a chance:)

What a cutie! I made some Anna Banana Bread today!!! It is yummy!!

Loving all the baby chicks!!!

Hi Anna ... Your new chicks are BEYOND cute ... they need to be in Easter Commercials :)

I just wish I could have a couple of hens in my backyard, but in the City it's considered illegal :( 'Til then, I'll just have to be satisfied looking at your stunning photos.

just thought i would share this article from my homestate paper....right up your alley!

I never thought I would get so much enjoyment from looking at chick(en) pictures. How is it that all of your animals are so darn cute? I think the secret is in the photographer and story teller!

Pure preciousness! thanks for the update and the awesome photos.

Congratulations, AGAIN! You are such a great chickie Momma! Glad you "rescued" the egg from the hens! It sounds like they have been having quite a time with their nest eggs!!!
The babies are all so sweet and cute...I hope they are all doing well!

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