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I love how you love your babies. Thanks for sharing, because, as you know, I live vicariously through your description and pictures of life on a farm.


Hi Anna ~ How sweet is this new chicki :) I hope she has more feathers then Tim that go all crazy in every direction. HA. I see you have a UTube video so I shall be watching that later.

I'm sorry to hear that the other baby chick didn't make it, but I always try to tell myself that perhaps *Mother Nature* knows what is best at that time. And since Friday is just a day away, I shall look forward to the hatching of the other incubated egg ~ how exciting!

Baby chick is totally cute! Hope you have better luck with the others. We hatched an incubator of 10 eggs two years ago and only 6 of the babies survived.

"She" is adorable!

Awww...how cute! Ok, I have a question..by no means do I have ANY knowledge of life on a farm! Short of Old Mac Donald had a farm....I know NOTHING about raising farm animals. So this probably sounds like a very stupid question...but I'm going to ask anyway...what is the difference between eggs that hatch and eggs that you eat?! Are they the same, but you choose to incubate some eggs and others you don't?! Thanks.
By the way, I miss all of the HH chatter since I'm not the yahoo group anymore. Boo Hoo!!

Congrats on the baby... sorry about the loss of the other one. I do have a curious question though... do you have a "pet cemetary" there on the farm?

adorable chick.
We went to the rodeo last night..and see all the chicks hatching and laying around made my daughter want one.
Love baby chick!

WOOHOO, Congrats!!! That baby is SO cute...and I hope "she" will grow and thrive beautifully! Now I'm going to watch the video...I just LOVE your blog! It always makes me SMILE. :D HUGS!

Aw, so cute!! I love how cuddly soft it looks, but so fragile. I can see your absolute love of your animals Anna! You're a great surrogate mom for all your critters!

Gosh, Anna....this brings back memories from my growing up when my mom was raising chickens. I can remember bringing little chicks home and keeping them under warming lamps -- wanting to pick them up so badly! Thanks for sharing!

Oh how precious and adorable a baby chick can be. And born on March 9th of all days..(grin).. Oh so lucky you are I'm so envious of your farm life. Thanks for the post what an exciting time for you right now a baby chick..I'd be watching it 24/7 and nothing else..Thank you again Anna..

Aww, so sweet! I loved the video! I really hope the next one is successful too!

Awwwww, this baby is so adorable!!! Thanks for sharing her picture. So sorry about losing the other peep. I'm sure it must be hard on you.

I don't think there's anything sweeter than a baby chick or a baby duckling. Fingers crossed for this one, Anna. Thanks for giving us a "peep." (Sorry couldn't resist)

Im no expert, but those look like baby frizzle feathers to me. Ok really I don't know (really just wanted to say frizzle feathers.. now I can't stop, LOL!)but it will be fun to watch "her" grow up. Congrats! -Molly B

Heehee! A new mom is always emotional! Adorable!

Congratulations on the baby Sizzle! It looks so precious just laying there ZZZ-ing away. I'm so sorry about the loss though. It's never easy. I know what you mean about YouTube's intermittent functioning. Grrrr.

Hi Anna, what a cute baby chick, have you named it yet? Nothing makes me happier than to see baby chicks hatch and to hear that adorable chirp! We once had a bantam hatch 16 chicks, it was unbelievable. She hid and we couldn't find her for days, before you knew it she was a new Momma! I ordered some of your Whipper Snapper chicken stamps and just love them, they are perfect for me!

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