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100 degrees! Yipes! That chick will be ready for Texas summers!

cute cute cute..... our marble was hatched at the end of november, but we just left the egg with the mum to sit on and even though it was bitter cold outside she did a great job and the tiny chick was all snug each night under mums wing.... marble is now almost as big as the mum, oh my how fast they grow, it was our first chick and we are not sure if its a hen or a cockeral yet, but even if its a cock we will keep our first hatched :)


Awwwwwww! How adorable! Congratulations!

Another cutie! He has big feet!

Anna, she's so incredibly precious and adorable. So fuzzy cute I just want to pick her up and snuggle with her. I have a question, how in the world can you tell a male from a female when they first hatch? You can tell I know very little about chickens . . . LOL!

I love little baby chicks! My dad used to order eggs each spring and we had a hiding space under the stairwell in the basement with heat lamps. Our daily excitement was getting to check to see if any hatched yet!

He is so sweet! I love him!!! I would love to see a video of one of the eggs hatching. Thanx for the videos, it's a great thing to see. It's warm and uplifting.

So cute!!! We may have a baby donkey this weekend! :)

congrats on the new baby! When you are the first thing the babies see, do they "imprint" on you and are more tame and friendly?

seriously, there is a chicken named for Edward Scissorhands? pretty big names for something so tiny!

Cool! I will have to call this one my birthday chick since yesterday was my birthday! Never mind how old I am. LOL She(he)is adorable. Please make another video when it is dried off so we can see what kind of chickie fuzz it has. I love all your chicken posts. Thanks for sharing!

So cute. Question...so do you just have one or two baby chicks at a time? Or are there bunches more that you don't video?

After several several decades of not thinking about chickens other than how to prepare them for dinner, I can't believe that I'm fascinated by your chicken stories. I think I've mentioned before about my gram' having rows of chicken coops and the 'fun' we had collecting eggs and scooping manure. I really thought those days were gone and forgotten until you came along. Of course, you've got fancy show room chickens but they're still chickens under all that fancy feathers. I am actually enjoying your stories, reminiscing and comparing chicken tales...as much as I enjoy your card projects. Am looking forward to next week's release at WS of your chicken set. Now I'm really getting all chicken skin. Have a great day! MarilynY

How precious! Sorry you missed the "breakout"...but she looks healthy and good!
Thanks for the video...loved it, as always! :D

this is so stinking adorable. thanks for showing us this. I loved watching it.

How can you tell the cross so quickly? - Did you say "look at the beak on that one!" and know it's daddy was an Edward Scissorbeak? Very cute!

How cute! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Enjoy your weekend. It looks like you may be busy with little chicks.


Smiles & Cheers,


Awwwww...so precious. I love your videos Anna. What a wonderful way to start my day!
Happy Baby Season to you and Alan! I'll be back for more videos so keep 'em comin'!
Thanks for the smiles!!

Oh how cute!! Thanks for sharing!

Awwww is right! Oh so cute! That's a big foot I see! Can't wait to see more! Have a great weekend!

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