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I had to comment on Shala's comment that Polish hens are "mean little buggers". Perhaps hers were but "they" are not. We have two and they are far from mean. They are as tame and wonderful as our other chickens, especially the 5 month old who is a gentle little darling and not scared of anything, even our big dog who nudges her on the head. The year old one can easily be frightened and will run initially but, not for long. Neither of them are mean. They allow me to pick them up, pet them and they sit on my lap perfectly content. Don't label this breed wrongly. I love them. They're gorgeous and gentle, just like the several other breeds we have. If you raise them right and treat them right, they won't be mean. Instead, they'll reward you with eggs, and feathers.

So what came first, the chicken or the egg?

I absolutly love all the photograohy posts I'm a nut for chickens and have 11 of my own. TFS your babies with us:o)

Hi Anna,
I just LOVE to read about your farm! It brings back many memories as we raised chickens also and I had some that layed green,blue,pink,yellowish eggs and I would sneak one of those into a dozen of regular brown or white eggs and i would get a call that one was spoiled then we would laugh and I would give them an extra egg the next week.
I miss my animals and fowl.Have fun...

I'm learning so much about chickens and eggs. I was not aware that chickens could lay yolkless eggs. Neat and thanks for sharing this fact.

They certainly look special and extra yummy!

Who knew non-easter eggs could be so pretty.

I never knew that I would find eggs so fascinating until I started reading your posts! :)

By now many people must be wondering,How many egg recipes are there? And of course, How many eggs does it take to make a really good omlet? Just wondering.... Dad,Hi sweetie

Okay - I'll apologize up front if this is a stupid question - but I'm not a country girl and can't figure this one out on my own! How can you tell that the egg is yolkless if it is unbroken????? Is it the size? I would assume the size is because the hen is small. Is that stupid????

the first time we butchered chickens, i was really surprised to find shell-less eggs inside. i was only 11. i guess i thought they were all hard inside.

OH Anna, those eggs are gorgeous! I wish we could raise chickens here... we should of snuck some in before they changed the zoning regulations. Geez, we have almost 2 1/2 acres!

My Grandma always raised chickens...oh the stories I could tell about some of the Polish Roosters! Mean little buggers!

But..I've never seen a "wind" egg. We would have really thin shelled eggs from time to time and would put oyster shell mix into their feed etc. Double yolks, yes, but no yolks...I don't recall that ever.

Love seeing and reading about all things farm life! Thank you !

Love all the Snowflakes too...wish they were in my house, they are gorgeous!

I love the farm photos and stories. I miss having farm fresh eggs from my grandparents farm! I loved the guinea eggs when I was little.

I really enjoy your farm stories-and the chicken ones are informative and enteraining. I was wondering if there is a taste difference with your "home-grown" eggs vs the "store-bought" white ones? I imagine the wind eggs are inedible? The city girl in me finds all of this fascinating-thank you for sharing!!

Those are just beautiful...and I didn't know hens laid yolkless eggs, either! I learn so much from you! :D
It has to be so joyous to gather the various colors of eggs from your hens...TOO FUN!

These eggs are soooooo pretty!! I know your little hens are proud as can be. Thx for sharing all these wonders with us.

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