« Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays! | Main | Yup, More Snow! »


Wow! What an incredibly white Christmas! Hope those roof timbers are good and strong. Enjoy your time with family, Anna. Looks like you're snuggled in pretty good!

I live in Spokane...It's gorgeous outside, but since the snow is way higher than the underbelly of my Camry, I'm definitely not going anywhere:) It's still coming down - ENUF ALREADY!!! Winter Blessings to you and your family.

Looks like you're having a (snow)ball at your parent's and I'm sure they're so happy to have you! Thanks for sharing the pictures--beautiful!

Love, love love the felties you've been making, so doggone adorable I could spit!

Happy holidays,

What a white Christmas indeed! Our weather was a sunny 59! on the way to my parents we saw a family sitting on their deck in shorts and t shirts!!

Holy snow Batman!! I thought we were getting a lot but it is nothing compared to where you are. Many wishes for a wonderful holiday at home!!

Oh, Anna - thank you for posting your BEAUTIFUL Christmas Day pics. I'm living in sunny California but grew up in Buffalo, NY -- your pics reminded me of the delight we kids felt waking up to a Winter Wonderland!

That's it! I can't take anymore! I'm getting a sleigh and heading up to Washington! We had a heat wave here yesterday and it melted all of our snow and ice. :(

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. We had a white Christmas here in Reno-about 8 inches at our house, but not like you have at your parents. It made for a beautiful day though. Love all your felt ornaments. Thanks for all the inspiration through the year.

the storage shed looks wonderful ! merry christmas :)

the storage shed looks wonderful ! merry christmas and a happy new year to you and your family :) thanks

Gorgeous pictures!! Amazing amount of snow - I hope your parents have 4 wheel drive!

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you, Alan and your parents! Lovely photos Anna, I love your mom's hen house. My dh broke down and let me have 3 Rhode Island Reds in August, they are just starting to lay eggs now and it is SO cold here, lots of snow too. Ask your dad to feed those turkeys a little extra from me please!

Anna, I hope your Christmas was as fantastic as you are. Well, I am here in Spokane, and my son spent about four hours snow blowing the entire alley yesterday just so we could get out of the garage. I think this is his third time to do this in a week. The snow is beautiful, but here in town it can be real treacherous.

Merry Christmas! Your family must really be enjoying such a perfect spot for Christmas.

Thanks for the beautiful White Christmas photos! I'm so glad you weren't stuck in an airport somewhere and that you were able to enjoy the beauty of all that "free insulation" on the roof! Have a wonderful visit with your mom and dad, and we'll look for more of your creativity in the New Year!

Merry Christmas Anna! Your pictures are beautiful (I love the one with the wild turkies!), but fill me with dread as to what we can expect here over the next few days. After a record snowfall last year, we've already set a new record for snowiest December (10" off our normal seasonal total!), so the last thing we want to hear about is more snow coming down on the west coast. I wish you a warm and safe new year!

Merry Christmas Anna. I'm so glad you've been able to spend it at home with your mom and dad. The snow pictures are incredibly beautiful. Snow is so amazing, a nuisance for sure, but so beautiful and really a wonder. Your pictures really capture is wonderment of it all...

That is a crazy amount of snow but it sure makes for beautiful pictures!! A very Merry Christmas to you!!

Anna, everything is so beautiful out there with the snow. Wish the snow was here in Texas! Hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas. We miss you. Oh, by the way, do those turkeys have names?

So beautiful! Magical like Viv said. This is what Christmas Day is supposed to look like. Do your parents have to get in lots of provisions for when the weather gets like this? Is it even possible to get anywhere? How do you stay warm enough?

these pictures are beautiful!

Merry Christmas, Anna and also to your mom and dad! What beautiful pictures! What a magical sight! The snow looks gorgeous and I love all those turkeys!!

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