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very cute. all your chickens are adorable

yikes, Sugar and I have the same dilemma, let me know if she comes up with anything, I could use a few good ideas.

LOL, cute...thanks for the smile!

So cute, but I'm afraid that's me most days! ;)

Anna: Sugar is very cute - a real bird brain! I'm beginning to feel more like her every day.

Sweet sugar...and, yes, she is cute and that's all that matters!

Really nice work, fantastic one!
Rui Sousa (O temporário)

oh how often i feel just like sugar ... and probably look like her too! (well, without the feathers, of course...ahaha)

OMG, it's ME! :D Precious illustration...she IS a beautiful chicken!!!
I LOVE your art...

OMG!! I can't stop laughing ~ you are hilarious and brilliant!!

LOL! she is cute!

yes, a girl must always look her best.......
Lovely work, you have captured it spot on.

OMW! What are you talking about! You nailed it! This is the perfect rendition of Vacant. Ahem, superb captioning, BTW.

when I saw the title in my email box, my first thought was to trick-or-treaters going by that rascaly raccoon's house! a big sign outside now reads "VACANT"!!! yep, I have a weird sense of humor.

but Sugar is adorable! maybe her momma tied her bows too tight when she was a little chick.....

thanks for sharing and have a great day!

I love all your drawings! Sugar is definitely a cutie! You are very talented!

Hi Anna! Sugar is just too cute! I know EXACTLY how she feels! (on a regular basis even) Thanks for making me smile :-)

Unfortunately, there are too many days I can relate to Sugar..........

Great illustration! She is such a cutie! Great talent you have and tfs.

this is so lovely - simple, sweet and beautiful!

All your drawings are cute.

Hmm, Sugar's head looks like it does in my head :)

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