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This is adorable! I love it!!!

Fab card! great cause!

Anna, You are amazing, girlfriend! I love the work that you do! I now feel like I NEED this set (thanks a bunch!)....;-)

wowzer, i love love this.

What a pretty card!! Love the humor in this too!! :)

I just love this!!!! It's the first "support" card that is fun and supportive!

You were the Card of the Week at Card of the Week.com. You can see the original post here: http://www.cardoftheweek.com/2008/10/card-of-the-w-3.html.

I did use a picture from your post, with links back to the site and the original post. I hope that is OK. Please feel free to email me if you need me to change anything.

I also have an “I was featured” on badge for you if you want it :D

well sweet miss daisy, aka Ms Anna Wright, aka almost the farmer's wife, these are SO CUTE I'm running right over and buying the set and the vintage thingie-ma-bobs!

What a great cause-- thanks for letting us know about it!

Wow, that's awesome! Love the blingy flowers and the sassy image.

Lovely card Anna. Great DP and great flowers you have added to this card.


How stunning is this card?!? The background DP is so perfect, I gotta ask if you could share the name of it?

It's beyond perfect Anna =)

Oh my....pure delight Anna, LOVE it!!!

Great job. Thanks for letting us all know about the stamp set. I hadn't seen it before and I might have to have it!

Great job! I love the dp you chose for the background!

SO SO pretty Anna!!! Thanks for playing along!

This is gorgeous! Love the dp and flowers - very cool

Those flowers are so pretty. Who makes them?
Nice layout & colors too. Good eye candy...
Gramma Dar

Very Pretty!! I love the DP you used and and the sparkles on the flowers! Beautiful job on your coloring!

ahhhhh, sookie, sookie now!! :o) She's a classy, sex woman!

What a great cause!!

Take care and STAY POSITIVE!

Well va-va-voom! Great job!

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