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Peanut is adorable, thanks for sharing!

Jennifer :)

She is beautiful! I soooo want chickens. But with the coyote population around here it just isn't smart right now, even with my 26 donkeys!

oh,,she is so pretty and just the right size to hold....everytime I see one of your feathered babies, makes me want some of my own...thanks for the great shots!!

Oh my, she is smaller than I expected! It's nice to see her in your hands to see the difference! Now, I am gonna also comment here about your sneek peeks...lol I am doing mine on colored cs and kraft too! How funny! I have not colored Santa and yours is just stunning!! STUNNING I tell ya! I love your sneeks!! :)

That's YOU? Doesn't look anything like your blog photo! I love this pic of you and Peanut! :)

oops, oooooh, ahhhhhh, I think this is the most beautiful chicken I have EVER seen. TFS.

P.S. Maybe you should get Junior some premie Pampers!

Wonderful pictures of you and Alan. Peanut is so adorable but she looks embarrassed (eyes are closed) that you're showing her undersides, lol. TFS

she's precious...so are you and Alan. Thanks for sharing your everyday life with us.

Now I want to sell up and move to the country...well actually if we could afford to move two blocks away we could have chickens...and a horse...it's amazing how much house prices can differ within 2 blocks...we have a little country in the city there down by the river.
Dream on...
Love this little lady! TFS

Thank you so much for showing us your little beauty. She is darling. I love her colors. I love staying in tune with all of your animals. Thanks again for the photos.

I can't decide who's cuter -- you, Alan or Peanut! :)

What a little beauty! Glad to see Alan's shirt looks like mine after I pick up one of our cats. :)

Oh, she's SO pretty! The colors are incredible, and who doesn't want polka dots??!! Wow, what a special chicken! No wonder your banner has polka dot chicks as the "in" crowd!!! :D Thanks for the great photos...and YOU look beautiful, too! (Alan ain't bad, either! *grin*)

Oh Peanut, you are a little peanut! She is so cute but so tiny! What a sweetie to let you hold her and spread her wings!

wow! such beautiful feathers! please be sure to tell her that she now has her own fan club! :D

Oh Peanut is so beautiful,TFS those beautiful pics Anna!

Now that's what I call a designer chicken! Will she have spotted eggs, too? LOL

Thank you for the pictures of Peanut! Your love and affection for all your little buddies is so touching..and thanks for helping us all learn a little more about just how beautiful chickens are!

Love the pictures, Peanut is so pretty and colorful. Thanks for sharing.

Oh Anna these are wonderful photos. I just loved seeing the picture of Peanut the other day (what a gorgeous chicken) and now these pictures are just as wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

Wow, she really is tiny!! I am amazed at her coloring and markings, they are so beautiful, I've never seen a chicken like this before and it fascinates me. Thanks for sharing the great pics, and for the education I'm getting! :)

Both of these pictures and beautifully captured and the chickie...well...she's amazing. I think I posted on the previous pictures...never seen anything like her.

First, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. I'm certain you have many adoring fans like me. Secondly, I understand the affection you have for your chickens. They are as beautiful as your drawings are cute! Thanks, again!

What a wonderfully pensive photo you took of Alan and Peanut. And look at you and that little cherub face of yours! I love the way you so expertly hold Peanut to show us her undercarriage and tootsies. Viewing your blog is definitely the highlight of my day!

Isn't she beautiful!!! I love that she is so small and her feather coloring is magnificent. And, even though she dirtied on Alan, she is still precious...

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