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LMAO, Anna -- I had a DC growing up. Yes, Damn Cat, but I didn't know what it stood for when I was 6, LOL!!

Your photography is truly breathtaking!

ok, so shazam is pretty much identical to my cat, Wheezy. (she had an upper respitory infection when we found her....) I even had to go and get her to see...yep. That's weird! =) Love the pictures!!!

Awww, Chief looks so regal in that photo. Both are cuties.

...and I have to tell you, I love the name Damn Cat. ROFL..will have to remember that one. I think that's what my DH would love to call ours! :)

Love the kitty cat pics. Chief looks like a couple of kittens I saw for adoption from a cat rescue. Their names were Jennifurrr and Junipurrr. Aren't those cute spellings? Keep sharing the photos of your critters!!

Chief has a sweet little face and Shazam looks serious! They both are precious...you know me and kitties!!

Anna, Your kitties are beautiful. Chief looks a lot like our Harley. Whom I might add is doing great since his surgery. Thanks for sharing your wonderful kitties with everyone. We just returned home from a 5 day trip to CA and boy were our kitties happy to see us again.

Again. I find it amazing that wild animals pose for you! It is a special gift I guess.

I love seeing your 2 beautiful cats. I have 2 of my own and wouldn't trade them for anything. We rescued our 5 year old male at the pound and got our 2 year old female from one of the teachers I work with because she was biting her little girl. She does fine here. I think she just doesn't like little children (or strangers).

Great pictures, as usual! I so enjoy all the farm animals...I keep trying to talk my husband into letting me have chickens (after I saw the ones you have and the ones you ordered) but no such luck!We have the space and no close neighbors, but we do have foxes pass through. Oh well, our seven(yikes!!) kitties keep me busy and broke! What with special foods and needs! Seems the strays find there way here......

Beautiful Farm kitties.
Nice pictures..
they look so affectionate :)

What beautiful cats, your photography is just amazing!

Awww. Chief reminds me of our family cat growing up. His name was "Caramel". Great photos, even if the Shazam is a tad bit persnickety!

Darn it, I was experiencing a cat-free moment here at the computer and now I'll bet they all come running in here jealous as all get out! lol!

great stalking of Shazam. :)

Oh, I love the kitty pictures! You are such an amazing photographer...
I would LOVE to pet those kitties! I'm sure Chief is a great help to Alan; as most cats, he's probably "in charge"!!
Have a wonderful day...

Cheif is beautiful! Those eyes! Love the name "damn cat". Best, Curt

If only there were more Alans & Annas in the world. Heartwarming!

These are beautiful pictures of your farm cats! The top one Chief looks just like the first cat I ever had!

What beautiful cats and pictures! I love the color of Chief's fur!

Thanks for the kitty pics. Love how you captured that :loook: Chief reminds me of a stray I looked after years ago, with the same peach nose..

Great photos! I think Chief is definitely a cutie!

The way you capture their eyes is so amazing!

ps - I have a note for you on my blog

It's incredible how one tiny shutter of your magic lens has captured these kitties' personalities. Your photography and stories make your blog one of my very favorites....as do your designs of course.

Shazam gets my vote for best looking! What a beautiful cat, and so nice of him to pose for the camera...

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