« Be safe, chicken friends... | Main | Illustration Friday: Clique »


This is adorable! I love it!

So glad to hear that your chickens
are safe. How do you remove a Skunk
from the trap..without getting sprayed ??
*Another Adorable Chicken Card!
...such cute stamps :) TFS

Such a sweet card! It's like the momma hen taking care of her chick :)

Ewwww, can't imagine what I'd do if we caught a skunk in a trap - the thought nauseates me. We had a dead skunk under our shed (died of natural causes, I guess)for a week before DH located it and then my brave, sweet hero retrieved it and buried it while I was at work! I thought the smell would never leave my house and that I would never sleep again - yuk!!!

I am so glad your chickens were safe last night. Let's hope you catch that raccoon tonight.

Sorry to read/hear about the problems. We have had some of our own here and not been around very much. Too bad we are not close by. I am a crack shot!!! Christina says 'Hello' to all!! Sandra

Love this one too, here's hoping for another uneventful night - except for a catch in the live trap.

Your card is super cute, hope you catch the culprit soon!!

These chickens are cracking me up....uhh no pun intended!! TEEHEE!

I'm with DK. Shoot the darn thing and skin it. They make great decorations. Or, a nice coonskin cap. Coons are not endangered, so don't feel bad for it. I mean, I could see it kiling a small chicken, but a Turkey?!
Where are your dogs? One of our big dogs fought a coon almost as big as him one night! Happy trails to the coon. Be safe, chickens!

Great cards Anna and I hope that your chickens, hens and turkeys are safe tonight..

We had the same kind of thing at my mom's only it was a cougar! ICK!
So the "boys" hung raw meat from the trees and layed on top of the barn with shotguns. All they caught was a cold. LOL

I like big "game" hunting but a bit stinky, oops sticky. There is no release of chicken snatchin fur bearers. one taste and the only cure is a one way ride. It, by the way is not neighborly to just relocate a chicken killer to somebody else's back yard.
they are a lot like a boomerang.

So happy to hear the chickens had a safe night. Not so happy to hear that you caught a skunk instead of that raccoon!! Eeeewwwwww!! I'd be afraid to get close to the trap to let it out, my luck I'd get sprayed and that'd be it for me!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the card. I'm hoping to get my happy mail today, can't wait to ink up this set!
Will keep my fingers crossed that tonight will be the raccoon's last night of freedom!!

Yay! A safe night!!! and your new Chicken Stamp Set showed up (signed even!! yay for me!)

Hope you get that raccoon and your little friends will be safe again!

OOOOOHHHHH NNNNOOOOOO~ I am shocked and saddened by the news of the chicken thief...how horrible! I am SOOOO sorry for your loss of chickens. I know it is devastating, and maddening. I feel so bad for you~~and the chickens. I'm glad they were safe last night...and hopefully you will get the raccoon tonight. We have raccoons too, but they just eat our cat food (no matter WHERE we put it) and turn over things in the barn.They are such pests! (Very cute to look at, but they should NOT be killing your poultry)...
I hope you can get this remedied before he starts bringing his friends along. The best of luck to you, and how SMART to set up the monitor! I'll be hoping for a good outcome.

Chickie this is delightful! - So glad to hear things are okay with your chickens but let's hope you get that raccoon soon.

Have I told you lately how completely smitten I am with your artwork, your designs, stories, and photography?

Oh wow, I love how you used the "grain", and is that the checker stamp from the set?? Love how you added the extra red color in it!

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