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Fantastic pictures. Thanks for sharing.

What beautiful pictures! I especially like the one from Montana, though I've definitely had enough snow for one year.

You get your talent from both parents. Thank you for sharing the pictures.

Incredible photos! I can see where you get your photography talent! Makes me want to take a road trip. It's blazing hot here in So Cal, too, and I can barely stand it.

What amazing photos!! Being from Nevada, I have been to both parks many times and always enjoy the next trip as much as the first, they are so breathtakingly beautiful! My husband and I like to travel in our 5th wheel to visit all the wonderful areas such as these. We hope our next trip to be in the Montana area. Our country is just exquisite!! Hope your parents have a safe journey home.

That top photo is from my neck of the woods. It looks like it could be in the Crazy Mountains. We have such beautiful mountain ranges here in Montana. It is pretty amazing this year that it is now almost mid-July and we still have snow on them. This may just be a year that there is still snow when it starts snowing again. Have wonderful day!!

Wow! Beautiful photos! The whole family seems to have a photographers eye.

Oh.. gorgeous photos Ana!!

Wowies! In just a few weeks my dad will be roadtripping the reverse....from TX to WA

Your parents pictures are breathtaking... reminds me of my favorite quote...

"Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"

I see photography runs in the family :) Thanks for sharing!

These pictures are awesome. I also love National Parks. I've been to a lot of the ones out west. I love Canyonlands, but haven't been to Zion, yet!! I see where you learned your photograpy skills. I know you have had a wonderful time.

These are beautiful pictures! I love that snow capped Mtn of Montana

Such beautiful photos! I've never been to Zion or the Grand Canyon, but really would like to visit (especially after seeing how breathtaking it can be!). Thank you for sharing......

Wow these are breath taking photos!

Awesome photos! I've tried to photograph the Grand Canyon, and can't get the color saturation your dad has in his photos -- they're great!

Beautiful pictures!!! I can see where some of your photography skill comes from! Never been to Zion or the Grand Canyon....maybe someday! Tell your folks to have a safe trip home and take lots of pics and send them to you so you can post them! I can live the parks, etc through their pictures!

Stunning photos! I have been to the Grand Canyon and I think your dad's photo captures it beautifully! Thanks for sharing. I wish them a safe trip home!

The first pic looks like somewhere along the Tetons! They just sort of erupt out of the plains! It sure is clear where you got your photography talent.

I miss my mountains in Washington, more than any other thing. If I could catch a glimpse of Mt. Spokane, it was a good day. And Mt. Rainier and Mt. Baker, and Mt. Shasta . . . 300' above sea level in Mt. Dora (oh, puhleeeze) is as high as Florida gets! Oh, and don't forget the landfill piles, mostly down around Miami. Sheesh!

The diversity one finds in this country is not only found it our people, but in the countryside. Lovely pictures. It makes vacationing in the USA a good idea.

Thanks for sharing your photos.

Anna, the photos are AMAZING - you got your eye from Dad, eh? *wink*

Seriously beautiful pictures. One day I'd love to see the Grand Canyon......

Amazing photos! I wish taking amazing pictures ran in my family!

Wow, I see the amazing ability to capture beautiful photos runs in your family! That first photos is amazing. Hi to your Mom and Dad, and safe travels home. -Molly B

Wow, I see where you get your gift for photography!! Your parents' pictures are awesome! I know they have had a wonderful time with you...so sad they have to go! Tell them to be careful traveling home! :D

Gorgeous photos!

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