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your new baby is so ADORABLE!!! Congratulations and happy birthday Alan!!

Anna, these are such beautiful photos!! These photos are priceless and precious. Have a blessed weekend and TFS.

Hey Anna....what about naming her DeeDee (D-Driscol and D-Dixie)? Whatever you decide..she's beautiful. Thank you for sharing her with us.

In honor of the wee little one being born on Alan's birthday, she should be named after him in some way. How about Allie? Ally? Dixie's Alley? ROFL

Such a sweet little thing! Thanks for wonderful pictures!!!

wow, i never had a dairy cow with horizontal teats! are you going to milk her? maybe she could be a wet nurse!


What a beautiful shot! And oh my she does produce the milk! Can she share? I have a mini that is having a hard time keeping the baby fed! Looks like this little one will have plenty of the white stuff!

AWWWW!!! What a cute new baby. Dixie must be so proud. I just love your pictures, they bring back childhood memories. My grandparents had a dairy farm in northern VA, so we spent every summer with the cows and chickens. Now I am a city girl and enjoy the "fix". Keep us posted on the progress...any name yet?

Yikes!!! Poor Dixie! Right now Dixie's probably as wobbly as the baby. Cute, cute baby with her mom:) Great pictures, Anna!

Congrats!!! What a beautiful picture of mama and baby. That was quite a journey and I enjoyed all your narratives.

Thanks so much for this wonderful adventure, Anna. Every morning I couldn't wait to read your blog to see if Dixie had her baby yet. Your photographic journal has been wonderful.

Ugh, poor Dixie reminds me of the times I nursed my own kids! Ouch! I still remember dreading being in a store and having some baby start crying! How embarrassing! LOL I also am wondering about a name yet for the little lady. I have some ideas, but will wait to see if you do another naming contest. Enjoy your beautiful weather.

You are so blessed. You get to see God's handy work each and every day up close and personal. Seize the day and don't let the opportunities to savor His goodness pass you by. Thank you for sharing so I too can smile and be thankful for His wonders.

Congrats to Dixie and well done on a little heifer.
So what are the dexter cattle used for, I would say they are a little small for beef so I'm guessing by the size of that udder compared to the size of the beast that maybe they produce milk? not sure if we have that breed here in Australia, must ask DH, he's the cattle expert.

Does Dixie know how famous she is ???
Love your pics,and I agree with everyone those must be painful,lol!

Ah Anna, MY wait is over! Haha, glad that Dixie is finally a mama! Congrats! Thanks for sharing this with us all. Its nice for this "City Girl" to get a daily taste of the country! Enjoy!

They look so sweet walking side by side! Her ta-tas are gonna poke the wee one in the side if she gets much closer:) You are one lucky lady to experience this miracle of birth! Enjoy sweet lady!

Thank you Anna for sharing such wonderful pictures and details. Nature is a beautiful thing...


I'm just a new 'addicted' reader on your blog! I couldn't wait for the calf to be born. Congrats!
Where in Texas are you? I have lots of family there!

I enjoy your blog and hearing about Dixie and seeing her baby! Just wanted to say congrats!


Congrats to you, Alan (what a birthday present!), and of course Daisy. I've been a blog watcher for the past week or so as you anxiously awaited the new arrival. Looking forward to updates and hearing what you name her.


What a cutie!! I've been checking to see if the calf was born. I am really glad mom and baby are doing great!

Oooooh, it's a girl! Don't know why I was thinking Dixie had a little guy.Anyway, the picture of them walking together is just precious....how wonderful,new life on the farm!

Oh I'm just loving every minute of this. Your pictures are magnificent and I feel like I'm right there watching it in live action. What a sweet baby she is and Dixie is such a good mom taking her out into the sunshine and showing her the yards. Thanks so much for keep us all posted with the very latest! Have you decided on a name yet?

Aww - thanks for the updates and the tidbits about your Dexter cows! It's always fun to learn new stuff!!!

Congrats to Dixie on the little heifer -- can't wait to hear her name...she's a beauty!

I hadn't been able to check out your blog for a couple of days, but kept wondering if Dixie was a mama yet. Congratulations to you all. I'm so excited for Dixie. What a cutie she's got.

Love your blog, been checking it everyday awaiting for the arrival of Dixie's baby! Love seeing your pictures--you take awesome pictures! Love how the colors are so vivid, even on a computer screen! Does the little one have a name yet?

Hi Anna...
Doug just came in to see the baby.....We are doing lots of oooooooooooooing and ahing.
So precious!!

As far as Dixies Ta-ta's go.....Better she than me!!
Goodness Gracious!!!

Awesome pictures...Love them! So sweet, mamas and babies are a joy to see!
Those teats are W*A*Y out there, I hope that calf has a BIG mouth! LOL Precious, just precious :D

Congrats to Dixie! My kids have also ben anxiously waiting for the little one to arrive! We look forward to your pictures from the farm (we live in NYC so it's a stretch for us!)

I'm no cow, but I did nurse both my boys. I remember that "full" feeling and yowsers at the size of her. Are those babies pointing SIDEWAYS? Ouchie.

Man, I love my boys, but I'm glad those boys are done (wincing at the thought..)

Oh, your pictures are precious as is the little lady in them!! So cute, you could just squeeze her!! Happy Birthday Alan ~ what a birthday present for you!!! Glad to know Dixie is doing well, but HOLY milkshake girlfriend!!! wowza!!

My thoughts exactly, them are sure full of milk!!!!

I am so glad she is a she and she will get to stay around!!! LOL!!

Any names yet?


What a sweet picture! I love it when they're wobbly and just start to walk around!

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