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Gorgeous photo Anna! :)
I'm in ND, so I won't see spiders or dewy webs in real life for another...2 months maybe! (the rule is not to plant anything until May 15th here in case of frost)

This is so stinking cute! Your colouring rocks!

Thanks for posting another view of this spiderweb--it's beautiful!

WOW, I love the photo, Ill have to start watching for webs(outside).

Love it Anna!

WoW!!! Behind on my blog reading so just seeing these today. You are so incredibly talented Anna! Can't wait to share these photos with my DDs.

These photos are amazing Anna! Thank you for sharing your talent and thank you Alan for finding this beauty!!! Just goes to show that beauty is all around us....if you're LOOKING!

Oh my gosh, these pics are just stunning. So crisp, clear & AMAZING!

Wow -- totally WOW!!! :)

if thos were diamonds, you would be rich! but I prefer the spiderweb (diamonds are not my style)

Beautiful, Anna!

I am really diggin' these web photos...too cool.

What a beautiful shot! As long as the crawly critter is absent! LOL

how cool!

Did you see Charlotte? *snickers* This photo is just as incredible. TFS.

WOW Anna, how cool is this!! This is incredible! You are so talented!!

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