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I think I had the exact same outfit when I was about that age LOL. I was not allowed to play with spoons though. I might have hit my sister with them. ;)


Ducks......... I used to work with a girl who had two ducks named Bread and Butter!

But Gretta is a chicken, not a duck! But I am very happy to hear you were not beating the ducks with your wooden spoon! :)

What a cute little girl! And she hasn't changed a bit!

Anna, it looks like spring of '74 and you were herding the ducks into their pen in the background. You liked carrying wooden spoons around and yet you never hit anything or anyone. As for the angelic glow, you didn't get that from me! Mom

An animal lover even at that young age. Such a sweet photo!

You've also been tagged over on my blog!


Even then you were a genius with the naming of the animals! Adorable.

Adorable! Don't you love finding old pictures?

With that spoon in your hand, it looks like duck soup is on the menu! It's so interesting that kids can be just as happy with a wooden spoon and a pan as they are with a fancy new toy. Some of my fondest memories playing at my grandmothers house involve wooden spools, spoons and canning equipment!

What a cutie pie!!!

Awwww, you're so cute!! Don't know if you named the ducks or your parents did, but I can see there's a history of adorable pet names :)

I love you duck names and all your animal names. You are so clever. The picture of you is darling and it sparkles with your personality.

That is too cute :) Makes me wonder abeout the spoon though LOL... At that age I had a duck just like yours called Hannah and a goose Oscar :)

Love the duck names! Cute little outfit you're running around in - reminds me of the ones my mother made my sister and me when we were little!

Maybe you needed the wooden spoon to ward off little duck nibbles or attacks. Darling picture. Your love of animals, etc goes way back.

What a GREAT picture. IT is even better since I know the subject, but it is just timeless & classic. Adorable!

No wonder you love critters so much, Anna - look at the start you had. Valuable indeed. Every kid should have a pet, or two or MORE!!! I was having my second daughter, Jamee, in '74. Funny - I don't FEEL old!!! Jeanne in Idaho (snowing again!! a LOT!) xoxo

VERY cute picture. you know, it's funny, on the internet i feel like we're all *similar in age*... only to learn i was nearing high school graduation when you're still carrying around spoons... now i feel old :) i'd feel better if you said it was '64! TFS

Appropriate names for those ducks!Perhaps the wooden spoon is for the duck soup? LOL!
You sure were a cutie! ;0)

That is SO cute! Love your aura, and the ducks' names! How cool! Thanks for sharing that, it's so fun to see old photos, isn't it??!! Have a great week! :D

How cute you look with your little pinafore and your spoon! What cute little duck butts!

what a cutie you are

too cute... you with spoon with soup and quackers?? LOL,you're not trying to make something out of them, are you? =)~

Oh my gosh, you are so cute!!! Perhaps you were going to spank those ducks? tee hee! Love that you compared it with the stamp, funny :)

OMG your aura really does show up in that picture. Lovely. My daughter is a massage therapist and these are real. She can see them in people routinely because she does energy work as a Reiki therapist and has a trained eye. Cool

awww..that is precious...my kids always play with wooden spoons or plastic ones.

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