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I love all your examples too. My set arrived a couple days ago and they're already trimmed and ready to use. I know I'm gonna love 'em. :) I was thrilled to see that I had received an autographed set (31/100)!!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents, your time and your creations.


Wow! Those are super cute!

So pretty and fun!

I love your "thread"! Pure genious!

These jars are so fun and festive...I love them!

What a great tip for the faux thread in the buttons! Those jars are so bright and cheery!

I'm loving your examples using your new set too. I received mine yesterday and was thrilled to see it had your autograph (31/100)! I'm looking forward to playing with every stamp in the set. I just luuuv flars! :)

Thanks for sharing everything -- your talents, your time, your examples.

Karen, WY

What cute little jars. Look like baby food jars to me. And that tiny bit of cardstock instead of thread! How cool is that! I "thread" my buttons with a bit of dental floss, but I'll try your way next! TYFS!

Hope the fires are no where near you!

These are too stinkin cute! I love them and your stamps are darling.

These are darling, Anna! I love the bright colors.

Cute jars. Thanks for the tip on using the cardstock strip on the button-so clever you are! tfs

Bev J.

These jars are just too precious!! The colors are making me anxious for spring! Thanks so much for sharing these with us! :D BTW, I adore your little Love Bugs from a few posts down!!! How flippin' sweet are they! :D

Really cute candy jars!! Love your ideas. You just keep them coming. I'll be casing these as soon as I have time to stamp. They are great for any holiday.

These are the cutest stamps yet!! Well, not really cause all the Whipper Snapper stamps are THE cutest..I LUV THEM ALL

These are the cutest stamps yet!! Well, not really cause all the Whipper Snapper stamps ate THE cutest..I LUV THEM ALL

These are just adorable, Anna! I love the bright "Spring"-y colors! I know I will have to have that stamp set one of these days!

Anna - I just love these jars. Where do you get the actual jars from?

Lovey the jars...they are bright and cheery! Great idea.

These are so CUTE!!!! You oooze creativity and talent!!!!

These are too stinkin cute!!

these are just darling!! TFS such a cute idea!

These jars are the sweetest things ever! I really need to get this set!

Your posies are perfect on those little jars! I haven't made anything with them as I don't own them, but someday I will!

Okay! Okay! I give.. I HAVE to have this set! Love it Anna!

Cuet Ana!!! Love them! Where did you get the little jars?

These are just too adorable!

Anna, if you were to ask us again which is our favorite set, I'd choose this one -- you've done an incredible job of showing it's versatility and I like that it's not really "just" posies -- not that I don't love posies! I'm going to check the first jar to see if you tell us where to get them. :0 Mary

I am a new fan and absoutley love your designs.
Where do you get your inspirations from?
I find the hardest thing is designing new cards.
Congrats on your talent!
tina Briatico

These are sweet little jars! And I love your button trick!

LOVE the colors you chose! So springy and even Eastery (not sure that's a word). Very sweet and cute!

I just squeal with delight when I see a new posting on your blog! My posie set just arrived yesterday. LOVE IT!! I received 65/100 signed. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with all of us!

Such cute stamps! Your blog is so awesome Anna, it always gives me inspiration and I just LOVE all you photos and the naming of your animals on the farm. I look forward to checking your blog daily. Thanks again Anna for the great job you do.

These are adorable!

Anna, your killing me with these samples. I want the stamps already. Please make it stop... just kidding, keep 'um coming. I love this set. Im just waiting for the SAHM paycheck to arrive. I'm told its in the mail. Soon.. very soon... -Molly B

LOVE them!!! So cheery too.

Gosh darn it, Anna! I have no budget right now. I mean NO budget to get this set. But, my resolve is rapidly diminishing. I adore your set and all the wonderful samples I've seen with it. This project is especially *sweet*. Thanks so much for all of the wonderful ideas...now enough with the temptation ;)

Oh mercy me, these are ADORABLE!!!! I love the color combos, and the sweetness of the little jars! Who wouldn't love to get one of these??!! TOO CUTE! :D

These are stinking cute!!!!!!!! Great now I gotta go get me some cute lil jars! You rock as usual!

This is perfect for all of my kids and grandkids for Valentines day-- I love your work and you inspire me to be more creative-- I'm introducing your site to my friends as well.

Wow, Anna! These are just too cute! I am thinkin' I might have to make something similar for my girls teachers for Vday! I don't have Posies for You...but just might have to order it this week and know that it would not get here in time...but I am sure I can find something close to as cute. ;0)

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