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O.K. Anna... I am trying your recipe for pumpkin seeds right now! I've tried doing these in previous years, but just rinsed and threw them in the oven... I'm betting the salt water soak and spritz of butter will be just the ticket. Happy Boo to you!

LOL!!! That cartoon is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

Thanks for the birthday wishes and the info on Whipper Snapper stamps....I ran(not literally) right over and picked up some stamps & a free one! Thanks again.

I can't believe I won! YIPPEE! Thanks so much for this wonderful prize. I get great enjoyment from your blog. As much as I love your card creations (TOTALLY) I enjoy your farm animal photos and stories just as much.

Thanks again!

Thanks so much for the contest! I love your generosity! I also enjoy reading the comments left by your loyal readers!

Cute cartoon....I wish our paper had some good cartoons!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thanks for posting the recipe for monster fingers, I can't wait to try them. Looks like I might have to buy my own witch.

Mmmmm pumpkin seeds....how could I forget those??

Yay Beth M....congrats!!

Congrats, Beth! And the monster fingers DO sound like fun...very Halloween-ie and icky! :)

That cartoon is too funny! Shucks, I missed the drawing for the witch...LOL.

Congrats to Beth M!!! I completely forgot about fresh roasted pumpkin seeds and the only time I ever have them is Halloween and I love, love, love them! I'll have to try your recipe, sounds better than mine.

But Wait!!! Before you give her away, I know others must have asked...did you draw her??? We must know!!!!

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