As I was going through the photos I took earlier this evening of Hillary and her baby, I came across these and had to laugh!
This is what you get when you have VERY little light, a hand-held camera with big long lens, a very slow shutter speed, and randomly moving objects. And while these aren't fantastic photos, they're just perfect in my eyes. It's so fun to capture life like this.
After all of this activity, I think it was snack time.
I'm so excited for tomorrow morning when there will be light! Alan and I went out just a bit ago to check on them, and the little one was having a good time going backwards and forwards, forwards and backwards, grabbin' a snack, walking under Hillary, and just havin' a ball.

Sooooooooo cute! Glad you & Alan rescued her back to her mama. So what's her name Anna?? :-)
Posted by: Anne | October 03, 2007 at 09:30 AM
How LUCKY you both were to be there for this precious little critter. She/he looks adorable! Congratulations!
Posted by: Manetta | October 03, 2007 at 09:21 AM
Love the pictures of them romping around together, so cute!!
Posted by: Dotty | October 03, 2007 at 06:03 AM
Baby donkey! How cute is that! Next up, a name!
Posted by: kathynruss | October 03, 2007 at 05:13 AM
Can't wait for my girls to wake-up in the morning so I can share these photos with them. They love to here what is going on at your place!
Posted by: Beth | October 02, 2007 at 11:23 PM
Ok, so I'm really going to have to come see the baby donkey. Seriously if I had room I'd steal her. LOL She's precious!
Posted by: Shannan Teubner | October 02, 2007 at 09:53 PM