I took this photo of Curly today after the rain stopped. She was in her usual spot ... in the back of the fire truck. I'm pretty sure she thinks Alan brought the fire truck to the farm JUST for her.
I thought she looked pretty against the red of the truck. Kitty kitty... she's a very sweet kitty.
I think the animals are all getting camera shy. They all seem to look away now when I've got the camera out.
I was trying to take photos of Junior today too, and he was being a PEST! You should have seen the looks he was (and wasn't) giving me! He's SO rotten.
In this photo, Junior looks anything BUT sweet.
But eventually I'll win and get a photo that makes him at least appear to be sweet... some day.

i love kitties!!
Posted by: jodi burchell | December 01, 2007 at 07:57 PM
They're keeping their eyes open for you! (At this house ... even that would be a nice accomplishment!) You're right ... Junior is giving you "the" look! Ohhhh, if he only had his own camera .. heh heh hehhhhh!
Posted by: Tex | November 05, 2007 at 07:00 PM
Absolutely stunning kitty photos- they look so soft and fluffy-I want to pet them!
Posted by: Meg | October 20, 2007 at 08:26 AM
Well you know me by now and I just couldn't resist saying how FUN and WONDERFUL your kitty pictures are. I am such sucker for cat photos! They are precious.
Posted by: Ida | October 19, 2007 at 08:44 AM
I have an all black cat too! His name is Stanley. He must be related to Junior because he is always giving us the stink eye too!
Posted by: Rachel | October 17, 2007 at 11:46 AM
I hope you don't mind me asking but what camera do you use? I would so love to buy a 'proper' camera, but I have no idea what I should go for. Your pictures look so amazing, but is your camera also such that costs an absolute fortune?
Posted by: Laura | October 16, 2007 at 11:46 PM
They are so beautiful!! :0)
Posted by: Tracy | October 16, 2007 at 09:38 PM
Yes, you do seem to be getting the evil eye from Junior here.
Posted by: sherri | October 16, 2007 at 03:55 PM
Oh gosh, BEAUTIFUL kitties! I have a solid black also, and a long haired orange! Yours are so awesome, it's great to see pics of them...LOVE IT!
Posted by: diane mcvey | October 16, 2007 at 03:22 PM
I had a cat years ago that looked EXACTLY like Curly! I love the orange color. His name was Bonkers and let me tell you, he EARNED that name! We had a lot of fun with him though. Crazy, crazy cat. Especially after a little cat nip ;-) Gosh, I'm really missing him now that I'm thinking of him again. How fun it must be sharing life with all those critters of yours!
Posted by: Joanne Johnson | October 16, 2007 at 02:43 PM
Love your photos, especially the kitties. I have 3 of my own and love to photograph them. I'm learning from your snapshots!
To view my cats, check out my family blog at www.foxmountain.blogspot.com. From there you can link to my card-making blog at the stamping tower.
Posted by: Doris | October 16, 2007 at 01:10 PM
OK...so I am a huge cat fan, so I'n lovin' these photos!! Your photos are simply stunning. I love the amazing detail! I have a black kitty that looks similar to Junior, of course all black kitties kind of look the same. Curly is just beautiful! So sweet...TFS!!
Posted by: happy_stamper_Nancy | October 16, 2007 at 10:31 AM
They are both so cute! I LOVE when you post kitty pictures :)
Posted by: Jennifer (jkincolorado) | October 16, 2007 at 10:13 AM
You have such awesome animals...I love all the photos!
Posted by: Karen | October 16, 2007 at 07:53 AM
What a gorgeous orange cat! I have such a weakness for orange kitties.
Posted by: Betsie - pony110 | October 16, 2007 at 06:16 AM
Cats are so finicky, my Callie does the same thing. I would share her nickname with you but I don't think it is appropriate to post on your blog. LOLOL
Love your photos!! :)
Posted by: karrie baker | October 16, 2007 at 05:57 AM
I love the pics, I too have a couple of kitties and before I had my DH kids the kittes were my babies...now they are almost 11 yrs old and I still can't imagine life without them...keep up the awsome job photographing your extended family...
Posted by: Melissa | October 16, 2007 at 12:10 AM
Oh wow! I just love those photos!!! If I had lots of money, I think I would fly you here to Australia to take pictures of my cat :). She is so dark that it is hard to get any good pictures of her. Fortunately every now and then I actually do succeed :).
Posted by: Laura | October 15, 2007 at 11:35 PM