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This seems like a monumental task!! You are amazing!! Rollerblade Hen and Sheila Ghost cracked me up! I have to go now and write a wish list. TFS.

WOWZERS. Dude that is so awesome and what a great collection of new stamps. I still heart the billy goat :)

YOU GO GIRL! I saw all your samples at CHA and they are all fabulous!!

Because of stumbling upon your blog and reading about Whipper Snapper Designs, I am now just in LOVE with their stamps! THANK YOU for that! I only have 3 designs so far but I'm already planning for more, including lots of the new ones! Thanks again! ~A new WSD fan!

WAHOOO!!! Congrats Anna!!! They are all GORGEOUS!!!! Love them all!!!!! :D

OK..OK..!!! I couldn't wait until I got home from to work to shop. I took some time over my h'mmm....lunch break (clears throat)to take a look. I had to get Billy Goat, Happy Snowman and Pudgy. I really wanted theNowman & Lamb, and the Lamb as well but will wait until the dust settles on my credit card. YeeHaw!!! Can't wait.

This friend THANKS YOU for the list!!! I love that you do this. Keeps me focused when time is short. LOVE your stamps! Congratulations on these fabulous designs!

I want them all!!! LOL
They are gorgeous - I have totally fallen for the folk art style after finding your stamps! I know... I'll have my mom pick out a Christmas stamp for her Christmas cards and then I totally justify ordering a few more! :)

I am so overwhelmed...these are absolutley the best ever! I would have to take out a loan to get all I want...I will have to just buy a few at a time...thanks so much for letting us know which ones were yours at Whipper Snapper. What talent..you have. WoW! Hugs, Dee 8^)

Thanks for the list, I will be very busy for the next hour or two.

YOU ROCK, ANNA! They are ALL awesome!

Love your card with Happy Snowman. I suspected that was a design of yours and then just saw your list. Thanks for the list! Have a great day!

Oh, my! You've been busy, girl! Have to go check out all the new stuff!

Where did you find those incredibly cute happy face icons?

Smell the Coffee was a fav of mine! Hopefully I can get it!

You have been BUSY!!
Love them all, but I think the trick or treat ghosts are my favorties. Combined with the owl in the tree, should make some cute goodie bags at Halloween.

great stamps - that owl in tree is definitely a must have for me ;)

I got the link from Whipper this afternnoon and my wallet is screaming! I saw at least 20 I have to have now. I was hoping maybe they would do a local stamp show so I could see them in person. dang-so many stamps, so little cash.

that is quite a list. Very cool!

WOW! That's really an impressive list! Congrats!
Some of your stamps will find a nice home here with me! :o)

Congratulations! Wish they would list the images by artist on the website, but thanks for your run-down! =)

Fabulous stamps...my order is IN! I wish they didn't have to ship to the stores first!!! But I'll be patient... :)

Just got done looking at ALL of them -- WOW! They are great! My favorite is the sand castle :)

Wow! Wow! Wow! Just wonderful!!! Congrats! I can't wait to have some of these at my house! Angi

LOVE them all...very nice work!

AWESOME! You do fantastic work...just amazing!

CONGRATS, Anna, on the release of your new stamps!! WOW, you've created so many great images... Love them! Rollerderby Hen totally cracks me up... I would love to know the story behind her!

Hi Anna! I visited the WS booth and the guys said *may I help you?*......I said, heck ya, point me to Anna's stamps!! OMG, so amazing. I got the supplement and can't wait to see which all ones are yours.....I'm thinking almost all of them! You are so talented!


You should let us guess which ones are yours.

After seeing some of your art on your blog I could probably figure out a few of them - Fairy Snowman, Framed Daisies, Garden Sunflower, Farley.

Am I close?

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