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What fabulous photos! The colors are amazing! Funny that I run across your blog this evening and see these photos because I had just been thinking today about how often these two colors are popping up in my paintings lately. :) Hope you had a wonderful 4th!

Wow thanks Anna, I live in farm country in Ohio and I have never ever heard of Milo,
Do they just harvest the head of grain and make straw out of the stand??
Thanks for sharing your world. I learn something new almost everytime I visit here.

Wow! So gorgeous. You've got a great eye!

Stunning photo's as always. I've heard of milo, but this is the first time I've seen it and what beautiful pictures to show it! I just LOVE your photography!!!!!

Beautiful! It reminds me of SU's summer sun, gable green and pumpkin pie......


WOW! I had never heard of Milo before until seeing your photo's. That's one of the things I love about your blog is that I get to learn about things like this since I live in an entirely different area of the country. It's very beautiful & I love the colors. It does remind me of Autumn. Thanks for sharing. Ida

Quite beautiful and thanks for the link describing what it is.. Who knew a pretty grain like that could be so useful..

I think this is what is growing in my flower beds that I can't seem to get rid of.... Beautiful in pictures, ugly in my flower bed.

Beautiful photos with rich fall color (in July)!

Outstanding photos, Anna. Your photos just bring me pure joy. :0)

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