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Oh wow that was just the funniest thing for such a long time, I giggled till I was crying and my girls just grabbed some tissues - cause they are used to me either crying with laughter or crying with sadness if I am watching a film!!!! he he thank you so much for that I needed that

What a hoot! TFS.

OMG! That is totally hysterical!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I laughed until I cried...Gladys Hardy is a RIOT!!! TFS.

I remember that episode! It would be fun to meet Gladys in person. She sounds like a riot....HMM she is about 45 minutes away..

Thank you for sharing that I had a good laugh!

OH my goodness! What a scream! Anna, thanks for the big ole belly laugh!

What a great laugh! Thanks so much for sharing that clip...it made my day! Isn't it fun to have people like Gladys and Ellen in our world, if only, to give us something fun to laugh about.

and February!


Anna, she was back in January... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kkRrd6WCRM

Thanks for the best laugh that I have had in a long time! What a hoot! Thanks for passing the link along.


I love, love, LOVE Ellen!!! She makes me laugh.

I saw this show when it aired -- Gladys is too funny! "I love Jesus, but I drink a little...." -- priceless!!! :)

You goodness gracious. I about peed in my pants. I'm just north of Austin in Round Rock - I will certainly be on the watch out for our new celebrity. What a hoot! Linda

How funny is that! Better leave the Listerine at home!

oh my gosh. I would have been rotf if I had not been holding the cat. I laughed so much that he had to get down. what a great way to start the day!! Thanks..I am still chuckling.

I actually think I've said that same phrase before! Like this weekend @ the Marlin Club on Catalina Island in California!

Oh my goodness, I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. That was absolutely hysterical! Thanks for sharing it!

That is so funny...don't you just love old Southern ladies??!! :)

OH WOW, that's hilarious! As close to "Pineapple" funny as I have heard. Thanks for sharing.

OMGosh! My DH is from TX and he loved it! Very funny!

That was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time!!!!

Gladys is a local Austin, TX celebrity now. She does a commercial for I believe Rudys BBQ on the radio here. I'd love to go visit her. She just has me in stitches. I keep hoping Ellen will come to Austin to do taping and then they can have Gladys in person. I bet she's adorable.

isn't that the best?! A local BBQ place picked her up & they have her talking with one of the workers there. It's funny...oh and my friend made t-shirts in honor of Gladys (I love Jesus but I drink a little with a flask!)
here's the link: http://www.spreadshirt.com/shop.php?sid=84348

I saw that when it aired the first time...I was dying! Ellen usually has me in stitches. I love how she interacts with regular people! Thanks for letting me watch it again!

LOL, Funny! Ellen is a great show to go see the taping, I've been twice and it is so fun!

omg! I am laughing so hard my face and tummy HURTS! ! ! ! snort ! tfs and I will have to see if Ellen is even on around here.

Thanks for that laugh!!! Do you know Gladys??

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