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More stunning photo's of the fur children!! LOVE the pics and of course their updates. As I've said many times before I just absolutely love the fact that you share them with us! When I first looked at "Spot Junior" I thought oh, look...he's winking at Anna!! Happy Birthday to Alan!! :)

Well, the babies are more adorable than ever. Of course, I am not supposed to have favorites, but "Pierre" is way too cute. I was going to say something to Alan about the baby's name but it is his birthday after all so I will save it for another time. tee hee. All your furry kids are so much fun and I thank you for sharing them with us. janet in nc

Anna, thanks for sharing all your wonderful pictures of the animals. They are so refreshing to look at, and you make me feel like I am right there. Thanks again for sharing your blog, it makes my day complete!

Anna, I love it when you show off your darling farm animals. That little Ribeye is so darling. What fun you must have every day watching all those adorable babies.

Thanks for the animal update. I always love kitty pictures and Fritz is going like a week because he is eating weeds -- look at the photo! :-) Love your commentary too.... adds tons to the photos.
Isn't today Alan's birthday? Wish him a good one for me! Take care, Manetta
p.s. how are those turken's doing?

Oh...they really have grown! WOW.
OK..I DON'T want to know if Ribeye is aprophetic name...let me keep my rose coloured glasses on !! I picture you all living in this idilic world where nothing ever gets hurt..well maybe a few eggs for breakfast LOL!
Thanks for the update..I love when I click on your site and see the animals! beautiful work!

My, how they've grown! I just love the glimpses into your Farm life. The animals are all adorable and listening to your stories one can tell they are loved and well taken care of.
That pic of Ribeye had me chuckling- the look on his face says: "Don't mess with me!"
(reminds me of the looks I get from my almost 13 year old son quite often,LOL).
Thanks for sharing!
Anette (snowmom13) :0D

OH MY GOODNESS!!! They are AMAZING!!! I can't get over how they've grown, WOW, WOW, WOW. I LOVE your creative work and learning about your life on the farm is just as fascinating to me. PROFESSIONAL quality photos make it look as though I could just touch the screen and kiss them! THANK YOU!

Thanks for the update on your baby critters!

Anna, thanks so much for sharing your pictures! I love them all.

Anna I love the pics but I'm worried about the animals ...my grandfather had a farm and if one of the 9 children named an animal it was theirs to care for and not to eat ...is this your way of thinking????

Thanks for sharing the great photos!

oh, p.s.: Lovely composition in your photos. As always. I could look at your work for days. It has such a soothing yet dynamic quality. I'd recognize an Anna Wight photo anywhere!

I love all the photos and the stories of life on a farm (or is it a ranch?) Anna, I have to know, (having a friend here in the Chicago burbs who does farming and raises cows too... and eventually fills her freezer with meat from cows named Meatloaf or Ground Chuck (Chuck for short...) is Ribeye a prophetic literal term or just a punny moniker?

Email me back... [email protected]


Oh wow! What a menagerie and I love every one of them!! Ribeye looks like he might be a little crabby later on! I'm so glad you said Junior had 2 eyes because I was getting worried there. Fitz is just adorable and so is Dixie's Chick even if she is getting horney -- opps! I mean HORNS!

Oh my gosh, I want to come visit you and the critters!! All the pictures are great, as always, and it looks like the "kids" are doing very well! Thanks so much for the update, I love hearing about them! We have been "doctoring" a raccoon with a broken leg in our barn...(hubby's a vet, but not in practice now) and he's getting better. It makes me feel so good to know I've helped it! Again, thanks for the great pictures! LOVE all your animals!

So cool! I just love your pictures. Thanks for the update :)

These photos are amazing!! Thank you sooo much for sharing these cuties with all of us. I look forward to updates. :0)

Just wanted to let you know that I have tagged you. This one is a little different though. Go check out my blog...you're it! ;0)

Looks like Fitz is finally growing into his ears =D

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