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Oh, Anna! What joy that you could save this chick! Thanks so much for sharing your amazing images!

Seeing these pictures of the hatching made me cry. To see this new life was such a blessing. Thank you!

Great photos! And it must be fun to see something like that! I am not used to farmanimals, but I find them really facinating. Have a nice day!

Truly magnificent! Wow. And I thought my Monarch Montage was cool.... that is just the sweetest. How fun for you.

Mary (toao)

Oh wow! How super cool is this?!?? Thanks so much for sharing this miracle of life with us!! AMAZING!!

Awww I was totally all choked up reading this!! TFS Anna!

That is so cute! Thanks for sharing the pictures, that's something most people don't get to see.

WOW! You take the most amazing pictures!!

Ahh, the miracle of life! Sometimes I just sit and think about how our bodies form and grow! I still can't believe that I grew 3 babies inside my body. Life is so amazing! Thanks so much for the pictures! Make sure you keep us updated and post another pic of him in a few days because they are always so adorable when they are little and fluffy!

After a rough morning, these pictures made me smile.

Love how you captured the birth.

Awe! How wonderful for you to share with us all. So precious!

thank you for the great pics of the little peep...DD

I'm in a subdued mood today, and these pictures of a new life lifted my spirits. Thank you for sharing them. When the little guy gets more fluffed up, will you please post additional pictures?

Thanks for sharing all these precious events, Anna! Did this little chick make it? Shall we name him??? I love baby things! I still have Fitzgerald's picture posted on my typing stand!! He's SO cute!!
Jeanne in Idaho xoxoxo

Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. I used to live on a farm and I miss all the farm animals. I had turtle eggs in the house to raise, but no chickens or turkeys. Keep the pictures coming. I enjoy them so much.

Thank you so much for sharing these great pictures! My son loves to look at all the animals with me.:)

I've always wanted to live on a farm. I know it's a lot of hard work but all the animals!! I guess I'll have to live vicariously through you!

What an amzing thing you get to do all the time by watching these wonderful babies get born and raised!! Working the farm is probably tough work, but what fun to watch something like this!! I am going to bring this page back up tonight to let my kids see if...they loved the pictures of the other "babies" on the farm.

I have never seen a chicken hatch before so thank you for taking the pictures and for sharing them. They are wonderful.


Wow! You're so lucky to have witnessed such a wonderful event! And fantastic pictures, too!

& for us... :-)
Gramma Dar

Wow! What a day you had. So will the hen mother take care of that chick or are you the new mom? These animals sure are amazing aren't they?


Oh so wonderful! New life! Thanks for the fabulous photos..and sweet love pats to the new chick!

Boy...you sure have quite the baby boom going on at your house! I'm loving all your baby pictures, and these ones of this little chick are awesome!! Thanks for sharing with us!

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