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At first I thought this was a picture of my Great Auntie Alma.*wink* She was skinny at the top and "fluffy" on the bottom, and made the best hot biscuits on earth!
I enjoy your pictures as much as your cards.
Thank you so much for starting my day with a smile!

This gave me a smile. I read your posts via Google Reader and so I saw the title of the post before the picture. So when the picture came up I could not help but chuckle.

She is a cutie! And look at that strut! Can you say 'super model?' She is walking the walk. You have to name her! Manetta

Well that's a new one on me! I think she's so unique, she's rather pretty! Maybe it's because I see a similar picture in the mirror..hehe..especially the fluffy behind! Thanks for the great pictures, I could look at your pictures ALL DAY!!!

WOW, I am getting such an education from you. TFS.

Poor thing - looks weird, but almost makes ya feel sorry for her!!! Jeanne in Idaho

Anna, I love your photos and comments about the farm. I grew up on a hobby farm and love all animals. Your photos always bring a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing!

I just adore your farm fotos! Since my parents passed, I don't have a farm to visit and your critters are all the cutiest! I never get tired of them. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Well I've never seen a "Turken" before in my life so this was very interesting. What an unusual bird. Ida

Sometimes I think I see this in the mirror in the morning! I tell myself that I am unique (just like that turken) and it gets me through the day! {wink} She is actually pretty cute and as long as she's a good momma then she'd okay by me!

well isn't she a cutie.
Hope you are feeling better soon!

You just tell that little Turken that she's beautiful in my eyes! Heehee I love the chickens, in paper or in life. Thanks for the info on this unique hen.

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