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If she's a "she", and being (almost) Spring, I think Blossom would be a lovely name for your new baby!

She looks so cute. How about Raisen?

Mylene in MO

well, he/she is looking more like a rabbit so how about Peter? (you know, for "cottontail"? I think this precious baby is the cutest ever! Janet in NC

I might like to call her "Bunny".

omg!! that is too funny and too cute!!! s/he looks like the juan valdez donkey. maybe you can name "it" java or cocoa.

OMG, Anna ~~ I cannot tell you how freakin' *FUNNY* I found this post!!! LOL!!!! I have tears rolling down my face, my husband thinks I've lost it ----among all your other talents, you do have a way with words!!!!


BTW he or she is very cute!!! Ears and all!!

Adorable and yes, very LARGE ears! I'm a "City" girl but do think baby animals of any kind are just too cute. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Ida

Well, Jack or Jenny, whichever one it is, is sooooo adorable. I just want to put my arms around the neck and give it a big hug!

What a sweet baby! Yep, that would have been quite the delivery--poor Jackie!

I'm so glad the baby has arrived. It is adorable. Love the pictures. Jackie from KY

Awww too Cute!! I think Jackie's Wink sounds super cute. Give it a hug from me and my 4 kiddies. Laughing about the "looking", when Mom's babies (llamas) are born, it's always fun to try and guess what it is before the look is made!

Holy cow........ call him Tapper.....

What about Dumbo?? He has the ears for it. :D

Anna, I totally laughed out loud reading this!! Thanks for making my morning so funny!! You aure have a way with words =)

What a little beauty! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome picture!

Julie P.

Good grief, what a cutie! How can you get any work done? I would be taking pictures ALL day long of that little one. I personally would avoid any mention of 'size' when naming. That could have long term barn yard repercussions! :-) Keep us updated! Manetta

Anna, I don't know what I like most - your cards and projects or your critters! Thanks for the updates on your babies. Would never have known that was Lefty and Dixie's Chick, wow. I wonder if donkeys grow into their ears like puppies grow into their feet! LOL Godiva would be a good name for a girl or a boy, she/he is such a lovely chocolate color!

I think she/he is adorable! You could always name him "Brayer". Loved all the pics on all the farm animals.

The color is truly chocolate, so the name should be Chocolate or Cocoa, or something like Hershey, you know.....

Whatever it is, I love those ears! "All the better to hear you with, my dear." So be careful what you say when you're looking;)

K I thought YOUR post was pretty funny - but OMGosh the comments???? I am ROLLING here!!!!

I never knew a donkey could be so cute - and I like the ears!!!!

If it's a boy I think "Wee One" is a good name - BUT when (possibly) "he" gets older it might not suit (see Bagpuss's comment ROFL!!!!!)

I don't have any name suggestions, but that baby is so cute!

OMGosh, Anna, s/he is adorable!! His/her poor mamma must have been ready to explode! Nice to see some updated photos of the babes around your back yard!

Dumbo? LOL...oh I think not, but it sure came to mind...he/she is just too cute!

Hi Anna, If it's a boy, I think he looks like a Mortimer!!! What a cutie!

He/she is sooo cute! You could name it Pat! ~;-)


The new baby reminds me of chocolate, and is so cute you just want to eat him/her up!

How about calling him/her Bon Bon. LOL


A little bit of heaven in your own backyard! Its so hard to believe that baby is a newborn. Its so darn cute!!!! Anxious for the announcement of gender...:) Thank you for the great pictures.

Sorry, I can't help being rude, but if it IS a boy you could all him Wee Willie Winkie, after the nursery rhyme.

If it's a girl you could call her Martha (as in, you didn't know if she was Arthur or Martha)

Or Long Tall Sally. :)

She's gorgeous, by the way - I love donkeys.

Calls into question the old saying "hung like a donkey" ;)

"my Grandma, what big ears you have"..."the better to hear you with, my dear"....hehehe
Baby DOES have quite a pair of audio receivers there!!! TOO CUTE! I just love your pictures, they always make me smile. Can't wait to hear what gender the baby truly is!! :)

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