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Oh, Anna...that baby chick all stretched out has to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Seeing that pic just made my day! You're such a sweetheart for taking care of these little guys!

Lefty will be a big wheel and he shall go round and round! Love the tanning beauty!

Awww that is SOOOO cute! I dragged my hubby over to see the chicken laying on his back - *I* think it's hilarious - he just shook his head (he thikns we're all nuts LOL!)

Thanks so much for the grins and giggles - that little chick stretched out is adorable!

Your kind heart just shines in these stories! Thanks for taking care of the little creatures so well. Ü

Awww! That chick stretched out under the lamp is too cute. He reminds me of how my cat likes to lay out in a patch of sunshine.

Oh, he is so sweet!! I am loving the pic's and your stories! Please keep them coming. What a great way to use your SU boxes as well. Perhaps the next set could be named: "What the cluck?" *smurk, giggle, snort*

I'm loving the SU box/chick box! The pic is great. THanks for sharing.

You're leading such an exciting life on the farm!!

Lefty is sooo cute! That second picture made me laugh out loud!

Thanks for all the updates :)

You are such a good mother hen...WinkWink!! Love the chick adventures. Great to hear they are all doing so well. (How's your arm?)

How very sweet of you to take such good care of these chicks - but really, who wouldn't??

Lefty sure has a great sense of humor! Must be payment for taking such good care of him. Too funny!

Loving the chick posts - and the cards! ;)

Your chicken adventures are *cracking* me up! a ha ha ha ha!

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