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Congratulations, Anna, what a wonderful opportunity!

Anna, I am soooo excited for you; this is fabulous news & I can't wait to see ALL the designs! If they're anything like the one shown, I'd better start saving up now!!! Good luck in this new adventure!

Congratulations!!! You are so talented, and now you'll have your own stamps!! Woohoo, you ROCK!!! Can't wait 'til the unveiling!!!

Bouncin' for ya', Anna!!! Exciting and so "kewl"! Hey, I *know* you!!!! LOL!

Hugs, and joy for you!

Congrats Anna! I am so excited for you and for me! I am going to be first in line to get your rubber designs. :)

Holy cow - this is awesome - but it is going to be tough on my bank account 'cuz I know I will want them ALL!!

Congratulations!!!That's sooooooo exciting. Look forward to seeing all of your lovely artwork on their site.

Oh Anna! I'm utterly thrilled for you! You are such a talented artist. I can't wait to see YOUR stamps! How cool is that! Congratulations, girlie! You deserve it! Hugs, Becky


WOW, Anna, I am sooo excited for you... this is fab news!!

Anna, you are such an inspriation. I look forward to every card you post on SCS. Now I can look forward to purchasing your stamps. Will we know which ones you design? Best of luck, and TFS.

love the news, love the blog, love that I can buy some SMD art soon! Congrats!

You must be flyin' high, Anna! This is just news that you wanna dance on the bed about!!! Woohoo!!! You are so deserving ... your work is just amazing ... you rock!!! :)

Congratulations! How wonderfully fabulous. Whipper Snappers obviously knows great talent when they see it. Good luck with your new endeavor.

Congratulations, Anna! Your work is absolutely beautiful, and I've spent many happy hours just staring at your cards! Best wishes~

I cannot believe it took SO long! WAHOO! I am so happy for you - and excited - and SHAZAM! This ROCKS baby!

Dang girlfriend I am SOOOOO very excited for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! As soon as I got your message I had to head over here for the full scoop! YIPPEE!!!

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